Whitejade , This is fascinating. I would like to understand more about your alphabet and grammar. I have taken an example here from the first few lines of http://www.visit-dubai.co.uk in its Chinese form. Visit-Dubai.co.uk 畅游迪拜 迪拜是[阿拉...
^^^Wants badly to post the following^^^ ~~Thank 'chivalry' some did not call me a gink. ~~Bet that he does not really bother to think, ~~About love, death, ~~Skin color, race, ~~And a lot of similar topics to link! ~~Little Redkite got dirty once in a while, ~~Mom wanted to get him cleaned in the Ni...
In my place IE is telling me "network error"
When I try to get DF and post my lecture.
That is awful! Unbelievable !
I wonder whether it's possibe
To get back on track after sunset, for my reader!
Where can we hire helicopters in Dubai and is it convenient to spread leaflets for advertising purposes up in the air? I know of a company in Dubai that produces huge marketing aerial banners for companies, tugged by a helicopter. PM me for details :idea: It will be next to impossible, to do your o...
I know this one! Chinese characters represent sounds. 迪 is the sound 'di' (which in pinyin is pronounced 'der') and 拜 is the sound 'bai' :) It's not actually a different word meaning the same thing (like merci and thank you are), it's just a purely mechanical way of reproducing the so...
White Jade, This is really interesting. How do those symbols or Chinese letters represent the word "Dubai"? How does it work? I don't get the CONCEPT of your alphabet . It looks EXTREMELY complicated. Does one of your letters represent a "D" for example? I can't fathom how it wo...
Here everything is being built, from nothing,
Like a good dream, the world are guarding.
Babel did fall down,
We do it again, we anounce,
Even in different languages, can we go on clubbing.
Whitejade !! Wow there !! That was a complicated explanation of Chinese !! You got me there. I'll have to read that about 5 times to take it in!! Makes Welsh Mutation seem very simple!! ANTETYPE ???? Never heard of that !! Must be the opposite of Uncletype! Antetype; antitype; archetype; prototype....