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Appalling standards/ Terrible first impression

I refer to the locals who don the chairs at Dubai immigration. They are pretty much your first contact you’d encounter with the locals of Dubai. These men and women don’t deserve to be sitting in those chairs as they are a terrible representation of their country. I am brown skinned well educated, w...
by Vis
Jul 14, 2008
Forum: Dubai Black list
Topic: Appalling standards/ Terrible first impression
Replies: 10
Views: 4915

Rangoli - A tailoring/material shop in Bur Dubai

xSunilx, I dont think you understand what AFG is saying do you? You are doing exactly the same thing that your dad did. Deny that there is a problem. You are defending your so called masters and yourself. Remember in business it takes one unhappy customer to adversely affect all your good work. Inst...
by Vis
Sep 04, 2008
Forum: Dubai Black list
Topic: Rangoli - A tailoring/material shop in Bur Dubai
Replies: 10
Views: 11365

Thanks for your responses guys. Thanks Tom i'm not trying to say dubai is the baddy in the middleeast. I've lived in Saudi Arabia for 2 and half years so I know how bad things are out there. Comparatively Dubai is like heaven, but just wanted to voice my opinions about the city and highlight a few k...
by Vis
Oct 07, 2008
Forum: Dubai Black list
Topic: Appalling standards/ Terrible first impression
Replies: 10
Views: 4915

1 Dubai Jobs .com The First Place to Find a Job in Dubai

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