I can read Your and Your family members future years ahead. Is there anything important You want to know the answer to or is there someone/something You want to be found? I can make You to be aware of danger and make You see Your enemies thou they try to hide from You. I can also protect You, Your h...
To Captain Australia: I need Your birth-name and the date You was born to give You an answer. If You visit Sweden then i can give You all the answers You need to know about Your future. I need help with the future. My Girlfriend is pregnant and due to the combination of our recessive genes the baby ...
Answer to Snow: If i see that You will be hurt, accidents or attacked by other person, then i can change the outcome. The information i give will be so accurate that You will have no second thoughts about me knowing my work.
Snow wrote:scary stuff. So can I change my future?
Answer to Bushra21: If it is not one of my family members i do not get information on strangers before they contact me. I can meet a total stanger and not knowing her/his name, and that is enough for me to see her/his future. But strangers over Internet i can not read. Criticism is ok, i know what i...