Trusty - Posts

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My future Employer wants to retain my Original Degree Certificate for the duration of my employment...I'm not happy with this having heard a couple of problems Employees have had with things going sour at the end of their employment. Any feed back? Is this normal practice or should I fight this?
by Trusty
Sep 10, 2008
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Bringing orig. diploma to DXB when entering on a work visa?
Replies: 9
Views: 3024

I went there in August, was great fun. You have bunny slopes off to the side, gree halfway up at the lodge, blue at the top & black run is next to the blue with slalom poles added. I am a complete novice having only learnt how to ski in February in Vail, although I can safely make my way down a ...
by Trusty
Sep 10, 2008
Forum: Dubai Guide and photos
Topic: Skiing?
Replies: 3
Views: 4459

@Trusty, fight this! Holding back degrees, passports etc. by the employer is against the law (although usual practice). Pragmatically: Wait till you have your labor card, then you are registered. Claim then return of your (degrees) or your countries (passport) property. If ro return, open a complai...
by Trusty
Sep 10, 2008
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Bringing orig. diploma to DXB when entering on a work visa?
Replies: 9
Views: 3024

I have a question aboout gratuity and resignation, I am currently negotiating contracts from a job offer: A HR manager tried to explain to me that if I were to resign within 3 years of joing under current labour law I would have to pay/owe the company an equivalent of 45 days pay and wouldn't get gr...
by Trusty
Sep 12, 2008
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Gratuity
Replies: 8
Views: 2767

Shipping from the US

Looking to move from New York over to Dubai in the next 6 weeks, how much have people spent on shipping containers over, what size would you recommend for a 1 bed Apartment, how long does it take & any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
by Trusty
Sep 13, 2008
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Shipping from the US
Replies: 4
Views: 2656

What exactly do you want to ship? It may be cheaper to buy everything here then sell when you leave. Huge corner sofa bed, crockery/cookware. bed frame & mattress, dressers, linen, clothes, small oven (how does 115V convert to the 220 there?) & then personal items such as: pictures, letters...
by Trusty
Sep 13, 2008
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Shipping from the US
Replies: 4
Views: 2656

Re: US Degree attestation

Does anyone have an update on this post? I am going to be moving next month & need to get my degree attested shortly. This verification process looks so much easier. Wondering if anyone else has done this instead of the whole attestation process? Hi all, just needed some info here for degree att...
by Trusty
Sep 21, 2008
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: US Degree attestation
Replies: 5
Views: 9924

Furnished or Unfurnished?

When renting is there much of an advantage in renting unfurnished? Is it much cheaper to rent this way?
by Trusty
Sep 21, 2008
Forum: Accommodation in Dubai
Topic: Furnished or Unfurnished?
Replies: 0
Views: 2100

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