Tropic23 - Posts

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No parking problems, too many stops.

Privat Jet
by Tropic23
Jun 11, 2007
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Positiv and Negativ
Replies: 93
Views: 37538

Sage can run after pillowes.

by Tropic23
Jun 11, 2007
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: 5 Letter - 5 Words
Replies: 370
Views: 54836

Because that seperate us from the Simpsons.

Why do we have dreams?
by Tropic23
Jun 11, 2007
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Smartass Answer - GAME
Replies: 432
Views: 61273

I woke up few minutes ago.

The PBM is ready for work?
by Tropic23
Jun 11, 2007
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Write about the person below you!
Replies: 2150
Views: 210262

Good morning Sage :D
by Tropic23
Jun 11, 2007
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Write about the person above you!
Replies: 13551
Views: 917682

Hi Deniz, how are you?
by Tropic23
Jun 11, 2007
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Write about the person above you!
Replies: 13551
Views: 917682

Yes, I have......I need them, because I`m soo sad.

The PBM is happy today?
by Tropic23
Jun 11, 2007
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Write about the person below you!
Replies: 2150
Views: 210262

dine in

shower or bath?
by Tropic23
Jun 11, 2007
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: This or That!!!
Replies: 1710
Views: 164762

The love of my life left me.

I try to think positiv, but it`s hard.

The PBM is relaxing at home?
by Tropic23
Jun 11, 2007
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Write about the person below you!
Replies: 2150
Views: 210262

My heart hurts......
by Tropic23
Jun 11, 2007
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Write about the person above you!
Replies: 13551
Views: 917682

Congratulation, Sage :D
by Tropic23
Jun 11, 2007
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Happy "Birthday" Sage
Replies: 7
Views: 1208

liquid soap

Perfum or Eau de toilet?
by Tropic23
Jun 11, 2007
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: This or That!!!
Replies: 1710
Views: 164762

Because kidneys need small talk.

Why do we live on just one planet?
by Tropic23
Jun 11, 2007
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Smartass Answer - GAME
Replies: 432
Views: 61273

Sage knows all tropic emotions.

by Tropic23
Jun 11, 2007
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: 5 Letter - 5 Words
Replies: 370
Views: 54836

Deniz wrote:My mind s very busy.

i m sorry :(:(:(

everybody hurts sometimes everybody cries sometimes

It s realy hard, what i say u ll live this pain, but u r strong person and i hope everything ll be ok at soon.

Thank you Deniz.

Thank you very much for your words.
by Tropic23
Jun 11, 2007
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Write about the person below you!
Replies: 2150
Views: 210262

sage & onion wrote:
Tropic23 wrote:The love of my life left me.

I try to think positiv, but it`s hard.

The PBM is relaxing at home?

Hey Girl, chin up, we are really not worth it you know.

Hope you feel OK soon

Thank you, Sage.

What do you mean with: we are really not worth?
by Tropic23
Jun 11, 2007
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Write about the person below you!
Replies: 2150
Views: 210262

The PBM had supper already?
by Tropic23
Jun 11, 2007
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Write about the person below you!
Replies: 2150
Views: 210262

Mr Right left me.....
by Tropic23
Jun 11, 2007
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Write about the person above you!
Replies: 13551
Views: 917682


american breakfast or french breakfast?
by Tropic23
Jun 12, 2007
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: This or That!!!
Replies: 1710
Views: 164762

Because many buttons would need to much time, when you have to go to the restroom........very very fast.

Why is breakfast so important?
by Tropic23
Jun 12, 2007
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Smartass Answer - GAME
Replies: 432
Views: 61273

Thank you Gracy.

Ok, thanks Sage. Now I understand.

Yes, I`m feeling better today.

The PBM was already in the bathroom?
by Tropic23
Jun 12, 2007
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Write about the person below you!
Replies: 2150
Views: 210262


Joke, isn`t it?
by Tropic23
Jun 12, 2007
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Flasher cyclist in Springs and Meadows
Replies: 4
Views: 725

Gorillas own odd donkey sweets.

by Tropic23
Jun 12, 2007
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: 5 Letter - 5 Words
Replies: 370
Views: 54836

comfortable, but ugly.

by Tropic23
Jun 12, 2007
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Positiv and Negativ
Replies: 93
Views: 37538

German bread

rainforest or black forest?
by Tropic23
Jun 12, 2007
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: This or That!!!
Replies: 1710
Views: 164762

Because without it would be pointless.

Why is the polar bear white?
by Tropic23
Jun 12, 2007
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Smartass Answer - GAME
Replies: 432
Views: 61273

Yes, sooo tired.

The PBM had a great day today?
by Tropic23
Jun 12, 2007
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Write about the person below you!
Replies: 2150
Views: 210262

You are right, Sage.

Thank you :D
by Tropic23
Jun 12, 2007
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Write about the person above you!
Replies: 13551
Views: 917682

Because 24 devided by 3 is 8.

8 hours work, 8 hours fun, 8 hours sleep. (should be, but not true)

Truth: 16 hours work or more.....happy when 8 hours sleep.

Why do you we have 7 days per week?
by Tropic23
Jun 12, 2007
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Smartass Answer - GAME
Replies: 432
Views: 61273

Very old direct K-9unit allowed.

by Tropic23
Jun 13, 2007
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: 5 Letter - 5 Words
Replies: 370
Views: 54836

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