The_Mixer - Posts

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First post on this board so hello to everyone.

Raining in Karama (near Lamcy Plaza) and guess what..... there has been an accident outside my office! :?
by The_Mixer
Nov 26, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Its raining...?
Replies: 28
Views: 3456

Black clouds over Karama.

Just like being back in Manchester....Lovely!
by The_Mixer
Nov 28, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: FAO all DF members: Enjoy the weather !!
Replies: 29
Views: 3107

The report says "the row began when Corpuz and HIS uncle" so why do you think it was a woman that knocked all 3 to the ground. Is Judilyn actually a woman's name?
by The_Mixer
Dec 19, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Talking about Road Rage !
Replies: 11
Views: 1687

The 3 Saturday games being shown live on BBC are being shown on Al Jazeera +1 Sports Channel - Arabic commentary.

Not sure about the Sunday games yet though.
by The_Mixer
Jan 04, 2007
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: FA Cup on TV
Replies: 23
Views: 4222

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