Sunshine55 - Posts

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Morning Need some help please urgently. My husband has a visa sorted and I now need to get the spouse part sorted for myself. We got married in Mexico and we are from the UK. Causing me issues. Is there anybody that had experienced similar situation or has knowledge on such things please as I keep g...
by Sunshine55
Jun 23, 2016
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: Visa
Replies: 0
Views: 1534


Morning Need some help please urgently. My husband has a visa sorted and I now need to get the spouse part sorted for myself. We got married in Mexico and we are from the UK. Causing me issues. Is there anybody that had experienced similar situation or has knowledge on such things please as I keep g...
by Sunshine55
Jun 23, 2016
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: Visa
Replies: 3
Views: 2381

Re: Visa

PushpaAdvisor , Thank you for your response. I have s Mexican marriage license which has an apostille attached to it I have had this document translated into English. The document has been stamped by Mexico. I have had the documents notarized by a public notary in the uk which I think is a waste of...
by Sunshine55
Jun 23, 2016
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: Visa
Replies: 3
Views: 2381

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