I have two units that I want to sell in Saba Tower II in Jumeira Beach. Apartments come furnished and are about 1020 Sq. Feet each. One is on the 11th floor and the other is on the 25th. floor. Serious enquiries only please. Both units for sale for 2.2 Million Dms for the combined units together. Pr...
Styline, from your nick I assume that you are an expat... but instead of just analysing, have you plunged into the property market?? Instead of trying to make money on a weak and immature stock exchange, I'd have invested something in real estate... something not very big but instead of spending ab...
Once the share prices recover, I will be out for good and leave my money in Hong-Kong where there is a population of 1.6 Billion people that can support the market unlike Dubai that has 70% foreign underpayed or unpayed laborers. Are you talking about Hong Kong or China? The Hang Seng is doing damn...
This thread was an interesting read and i enjoyed it thank you. Stylin, one thing you mention you are 'stuck' in the market and will pull out as soon as it recovers and then give very good reasons why it won't. when your shares dropped 10 fils you probably said, hmmm this isn't good but I'll hold o...
They will probably give the stocks away for free in the near future and still not have any takers in the future!! Who do they expect to buy?? Are they expecting the 2000+ laborers building Burj Dubai to buy some shares in the DFM?
Most project developers market their projects as investments, so all of those that buy into their projects are then are greedy? I don't know, but I've got a bridge to sell. It's a really sound investment, are you interested? In most of the downtown areas in the main city where rents are quite high,...
What do you guys think of this speech? http://www.gulfnews.com/nation/Government/10087271.html Those damn western journalists :roll: Let the locals run the paper. Reminds me of when the local couldn't be caught for over a year and I could not place a wanted or missing person advert in the paper beca...
What do you guys think of this speech? http://www.gulfnews.com/nation/Government/10087271.html As Jamal would say He the man 8) He the man alright. I prefer him over Bashar Al Assad any given day of the week. His policies though do show very clearly whom he supports. The citzens of the UAE? Wow! Wh...
Lieutenant General Dahi Khalfan Tamim, Chief of Dubai Polices, said: “I have previously said that the robbers stole one minute of our time, but they did not and will not steal Dubai Police’s professionalism. "This professionalism along with the police tactics are smarter than any criminal. A c...
no.. they mentioned that they are europians and they got pictures of them too.. Including the picture where the suspect is posing with an abaya in a shop! :laughing3: Very true :toothy10: I would not be surprised if one is in an Abaya behind bars now or sitting in Yemen laughing with his dual-citiz...
http://www.khaleejtimes.com/DisplayArticle.asp?xfile=data/theuae/2007/April/theuae_April821.xml§ion=theuae Without giving Identity of the Nationalities.. That's odd.. Were they locals?? :roll: I wonder if the whole story, investigation, etc will ever be revealed :? If it were Indians,Africa...
Better Homesprices in Dubai are over inflated. I would not use the retail asking price of the units listed for sale by Better Homes to base actual market prices in Dubai. What people ask and what people actually pay are two different realities. Those looking to get what they want these days out of t...
Global Research, Robert Fisk, Greg Palast and John Pilger are all good reads. Thanks for the post. Just found an excellent article from Rober Fisk. http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/fisk/robert-fiskrsquos-world-when-it-comes-to-gaza-leave-the-second-world-war-out-of-it-1418270.html
http://www.etisalat.ae/index.jsp?lang=en&type=service&contentid=855d1755596a8110VgnVCM1000000c24a8c0RCRD¤tid=875059ecfb01a010VgnVCM1000003c05000a____ http://www.promotion.hinet.net/adsl_hot_03.htm#4 In Taiwan for 8M/640K you are looking at roughly 104 Dhms. per month while in the U...
I think the bloodbath just started and real estate prices will see further dips or crashes before we bottom out. Many in Dubai thought the local stock market was immune to the outside world but the foreign expats in the UAE learned the hard way and most lost all their previous profits from the local...
That new law or regulation is the biggest joke. :roll: Most tourists and visitors get 6 month visas upon entry to Europe ( I know because I get one on my American passport) and they don't need to own a $300K home in Europe to be eligible for this visitor visa. I currently reside in Asia and have a m...
That new law or regulation is the biggest joke. :roll: Most tourists and visitors get 6 month visas upon entry to Europe ( I know because I get one on my American passport) and they don't need to own a $300K home in Europe to be eligible for this visitor visa. I currently reside in Asia and have a ...
cant believe this is still going on. anyways i believe that money means power and in short what do you think will happen if: the pope has a good time in his private chambers with one of the choir boy :D will he be thrown to the jail?? YES OR NO? prince charles or harry go and i dont know kill a pup...
I just recently got mine 2 days ago. There are good things to it and bad things. Reception on these devices is just not like a Nokia or Motorola. On the other hand the screen on it is just simply amazing. Application wise many of them are not available for those outside of the US. I know because I h...
Not surprising to me, I started to say it in December 2008, but no one would listen. Can anyone tell me about ONE thing good about Dubai? that is worth to dispute this rating, just one thing. Hmmm one good thing about dubai?? How about it gives criminals and thieves another chance ;) :D If they are...
Not surprising to me, I started to say it in December 2008, but no one would listen. Can anyone tell me about ONE thing good about Dubai? that is worth to dispute this rating, just one thing. In Dubai, I like the beaches, the nice restaurants, the elegant hotels, the entertainment events, the vario...