Rye Whisky would normally cause stomack upset but he'd just had some mushroom curry.
Thanks for the concern, and he's ok now
Its a fantastic movie... if u like watching movies thats emotional and with human characters, biography or similar..
Hey purple sorry to hear what youve been thru...but kinda slow down a little, I dont know when this ill fated experienced happened to you, but maybe you should chill down a little and relax first and not really commit to something dead serious again. :wink: Rigt said Zam, it happens and it happens ...
That guy is voted amongst one of the most sexiest asians... the first in the community.. The campaign is based on the votes from Expatriate women of asian origin livingin around the world. Judgements are based on the career success + looks.. Cheers to him. Hope he gets all the success and gets out o...
Great work.. we can have a competition in here for best pictures, best photographer.. I think we already have a number of contestants. Sara198, devilsangels, Jeevan, Deniz.. n i'm sure there'll b others.. How abt it mods..The pictures have to be authentic, so it'll have to b an exhibition of sorts.
AI; Artificial Intelligence is required to b attached to all the vehicles so that even if an idiot tires to drive mad, the engine would not allow him TO
Hey.. S& O.......... Congrats..., You are a star !!! And yea now.... lets get on Alina Sagey ;) being a mod doesnt mean you go out to get people.. http://www.e-pressen.dk/gif/23103bronson16.jpg Hey 175, You should know me by now, however your advice is so welcome, the next gem you wish to share...
Hey.. S& O.......... Congrats..., You are a star !!! And yea now.... lets get on Alina Sagey ;) being a mod doesnt mean you go out to get people.. Hey 175, You should know me by now, however your advice is so welcome, the next gem you wish to share with me, I suggest you put in one of your fryi...
why would i have a grudge against you. other than the fact that you bothered me nonstop, freaked me out, and then turn around and call me a lier and make up some bogus stuff then to prove your innocence.... so again i say...alleged? I should've used the words ill intention, malice.. i have no inten...
Who were all there for Skating. Share your experiences, how did u like/dislike it? I loved the event, and the way the K family handled the training side for the complete novice,apparently only two, me n my friend :) and loved everyone of you guys, but still confused abt who is who.. Coz that was lik...