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Redkite's team now will face quite a test
as the Kiwi's are best of the best.
Though they've taken some knocks
they come off of their blocks
like a steamtrain to kill off the rest!
by Speedhump
Mar 06, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Replies: 302
Views: 34211

Robby doesn't like all that fat, It wobbles and feels really sad, Lean girls are more right, Her tiger more tight, Enjoying the 'visible' twat Umm, very graphic! I must admit I'm not one really to 'slap her and ride the ripples', I go for lean and mean too, but big girls are jolly, bless them all!
by Speedhump
Mar 06, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Attractive Older Women
Replies: 74
Views: 23250

Deuteronomy 14:8 And the swine, because it divideth the hoof , yet cheweth not the cud, it is unclean unto you: ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcase. Leviticus 11:7 And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted , yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to ...
by Speedhump
Mar 07, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Pork Meat
Replies: 77
Views: 11008

RobbyG wrote:No sorry Speedhunk,

You just blew your cover :)


:oops: OK I'm a dog....
by Speedhump
Mar 07, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Attractive Older Women
Replies: 74
Views: 23250

desertdudeshj wrote:I hate it when the sun is shining, I like grey and rainy skies :)

Grey skies, exactly what I ran away from. Strange world eh?

Going to the pool today !!!
by Speedhump
Mar 07, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: The sun is shining...
Replies: 5
Views: 1243

justmoved wrote:Hello David

I am hoping to hear from you ASAP about the table-tennis table if it's still available.


Hi. Not sure who David is? :D

My wife has put the block on my selling the table, she wants to give it to a kid's charity, sorry.
by Speedhump
Mar 07, 2009
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Table Tennis
Replies: 96
Views: 54277

TheChoosen wrote:Oh WTF, its snowing again, big fat flakes, tired of this

You on top of Jebel Jais again? :P
by Speedhump
Mar 07, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: The sun is shining...
Replies: 5
Views: 1243

Re: well

Im Arabic/Muslim guy,Pork is forbidden in Islam for many reasons (google it to know). I had so many christian friends here and back home. what I know is that I can't force them not to eat pork, its their religion and life, they are free. I love my religion, so I avoid it, thats it. If my Christian ...
by Speedhump
Mar 07, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Pork Meat
Replies: 77
Views: 11008

RobbyG wrote:^^^Just wakes up^^^

Good morning Onion! Time for the first peel of the day :D

^^^puts his finger in dykes^^^
by Speedhump
Mar 07, 2009
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Write about the person above you!
Replies: 13551
Views: 945128

xero_ wrote:you can buy camel meat from hyper panda in festival centre


thanks, I'll check it out!
by Speedhump
Mar 07, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Pork Meat
Replies: 77
Views: 11008

^^^is probably so stoned he loses all track of time^^^
by Speedhump
Mar 07, 2009
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Write about the person above you!
Replies: 13551
Views: 945128

RobbyG wrote:^^^Writes before he looks to quatroporte's avatar^^^

er I was writing about you, you burk....
by Speedhump
Mar 07, 2009
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Write about the person above you!
Replies: 13551
Views: 945128

^^^superstar DJ^^^
by Speedhump
Mar 07, 2009
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Write about the person above you!
Replies: 13551
Views: 945128

by Speedhump
Mar 07, 2009
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Write about the person above you!
Replies: 13551
Views: 945128

^^^makes insults fun :D^^^^^^
by Speedhump
Mar 07, 2009
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Write about the person above you!
Replies: 13551
Views: 945128

i personally find the smell of pork to be repulsive, my friends slipped some into my sandwich once without telling me and i spent the rest of the day sick in the school bathroom... blekh I guess maybe psychological as much as anything, if you are brought up to detest it from your earliest life (gue...
by Speedhump
Mar 07, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Pork Meat
Replies: 77
Views: 11008

^^^wishes he has a camel as a girlfriend^^^
by Speedhump
Mar 07, 2009
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Write about the person above you!
Replies: 13551
Views: 945128

Isn't Jesus and God the same thing ? No. Jesus was a man and prophet. that's what said in islam!!!! and I find no difference!!!!! In the Bible, Jesus is also God, part of the Holy Trinity....go figure![/quote] Um no! Jesus was the son of God - not God[/unquote] You're not understanding the concept ...
by Speedhump
Mar 07, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Pork Meat
Replies: 77
Views: 11008

sorry the last post was for choco. Iphones are horrrible for forum work. In the Holy Trinity, Jesus is God. FWIW!
by Speedhump
Mar 07, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Pork Meat
Replies: 77
Views: 11008

^^^needs to be hooked up with a pretty camel fast to release his pent up aggression^^^
by Speedhump
Mar 07, 2009
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Write about the person above you!
Replies: 13551
Views: 945128

^^^shouldn't be afraid for his first time^^^ :D
by Speedhump
Mar 08, 2009
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Write about the person above you!
Replies: 13551
Views: 945128

Re: hi

nice comments from you guys, I guess we are not talking about Jesus here, what I know is that I believe in him as a prophet. No offense, but I will say my own opinion about pork meat. my informations might be incorrect, but thats what I heard. -Pork, the animal, eats meat, and even human flesh. pro...
by Speedhump
Mar 08, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Pork Meat
Replies: 77
Views: 11008

Hmmm yet it's okay to eat calves which have been given growth hormones What's wrong with growth hormones? I find it funny how a certain "upscale" section of the population has been tricked into paying more for organic food, which has no additives and should therefore be cheaper. You're wr...
by Speedhump
Mar 08, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Pork Meat
Replies: 77
Views: 11008

The Pumas are feeling quite bleak
A diff'rent trophy they must seek.
They're asking the heavens
what went wrong at the Sevens?
They were hit in the head by a leek!
by Speedhump
Mar 08, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Replies: 302
Views: 34211

U can't use herbicides so u have to manually go and remove every single weed on your plot of land. Is that what they make you believe they do? :lol: good point :D There are organic pesticides and fertilisers. Anyone who has sprayed their rose garden with washing up liquid diluted in water to kill g...
by Speedhump
Mar 08, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Pork Meat
Replies: 77
Views: 11008

Re: Playing naughty keeps u young

TheChoosen wrote:
manishchoudhary888 wrote:hiii daisy...can we be frnds???

Are you a thief?

Hi. You asked that question in another topic this week (after someone said 'ferrari' in the most dangerous car topic). Can I ask what it's all about,you've got my curiousity up ? :D
by Speedhump
Mar 08, 2009
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Playing naughty keeps u young
Replies: 91
Views: 20107

Re: Drving License transfer

Hi...ummm I moving to Abu Dhabi this month end and am an indian national who posseses valid bahraini driving license issued by kingdom of bahrain....can sum1 let me know if it can be transferred without driving test or i need to apply as in again as fresh taking driving classes and stuff.. Any advi...
by Speedhump
Mar 08, 2009
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Drving License transfer
Replies: 7
Views: 3246

I say check with the RTA, because your nationality may be relevant and be a hindrance, sorry I can't be clearer than that.
by Speedhump
Mar 08, 2009
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Drving License transfer
Replies: 7
Views: 3246

Steady RedKite, don't get me started.... Chinese girl, if you are doing import/export business and want to set up your own business here there are a lot of companies operating cheaply from Dragon Mall (Chinamexmart) in Dubai. You can check their website and email them: http://www.dragonmart.ae/ and ...
by Speedhump
Mar 08, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: want to make friends who do trade business in dubai
Replies: 93
Views: 15754

The Blacks were beaten by your men
who played not like seven lads but more ten.
As for England's sad story,
there's no final glory.
I'd have rather sat watching Big Ben.....
by Speedhump
Mar 08, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Replies: 302
Views: 34211

1 Dubai Jobs .com The First Place to Find a Job in Dubai

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