This forum is really boring. Don't see anyone forcing you to stay... Clowns like you make me stay. Never realized I had that much influence on your decision... you have your "what" on my "what"?? Nice to have such intelligent commentary. If you're bored you may leave or contribu...
:knob: You know, I don't actually read these posts any more, I just type something which denigrates this BA chump after them. So in one corner we have this idiot, and in the opposite one we have the crusader moron. Both with dunce hats on and both throwing stones at each other. What a world, that ha...
Yes, my pet goat can wave, bleat various songs and swallow swords! Oh sorry sorry, you were talking about 'children'! Then er no. I just wonder if Bora has own kids. Why it struck me? :) 37,2 La Matin? OK Chief. I get all these attacks you keep making on me. You seem very possessive of Speedhump an...
Lebanese girls keep a special little figurine made of straw in their purse. If they like you a lot they give it to you secretly, and that's a sign that you can be together. The little figures are made by the mothers and given to the daughters in a nice ceremony when they are 17 (don't know why that ...
An awkward, shy young man asked one of his older, more experienced friends how he was always so successful with the ladies. "It's easy," said the friend. "The trick is to get the conversation rolling. I always start with one of three topics: family, food or philosophy. Any girl in the...
Slightly off-topic but still funny: Demographics The polite term for Lebanians are "Lebs". There are many more impolite terms. The issue of Lebanese demographics is very complex and is in fact listed as one of the Hilbert problems (which, incidentally, no one can solve). Lebanesians are Ph...
I don't know. The number of single parent families is still rising, why make it easier for people to split up when one of them gets a little bored. What about the kids? If a legal contract makes a person even slightly more likely to honour their COMMITMENTS to a family then it's a good thing. Now th...
Websites, forums and blogs in the UAE are monitored of course, like other countries with an authoritarian (or maybe patrician) attitude towards government. You behaved very badly in the eyes of most Emiratis who would be deeply offended by your loudmouthed attitude. It's completely contrary to the w...
That's true. The 1.3 billion Chinese nation can agree and live in peace but not the few lebs. For every Leb man there are 5 leb girls, no wonder they run away. You have no idea what ur talking about, do you? :lol: Lebanon was established by France as a French Christian colony in the mid east- hence...
I understand and some people can do that. But I do think that sensible people who maybe have lost their love can still stay together and make a good home for their children (to whom they should want to give all their love and protection) so long as they are not shouting and screaming at each other. ...
It was anyway a joke so old it had hairs growing on it. You're right, no-one owns it, or whoever did is now not capable of lifting his quill pen to sign a writ for plagiarism
Hi RK. How many hours a week do you spend maintaining your sites and the click through agreements to make that money? Also you have to pay for domain names/email addresses yearly and web-hosting every month, right? If people work from 9 to 5 would they have the time to spare to make a bit of beer mo...