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RobbyG wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Well go ahead, so long as it is in an educational and informative manner, and not cutting to close to the 'bone' - sorry couldn't resist it!

Its a bloody muscle...honey ;)

mate it's sponge not muscle, but your right about the blood :P
by Speedhump
Feb 23, 2009
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Toys
Replies: 71
Views: 26464

yep that's right, I was only meaning it's wrong to generalise about one specific country...also I have seen caucasian women in the UAE being followed around the supermarket by toddler toting nannies who were pushing the shopping trolley too!
by Speedhump
Feb 23, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: A 13year old kid in Uk becomes a dad
Replies: 43
Views: 4232

Well go ahead, so long as it is in an educational and informative manner, and not cutting to close to the 'bone' - sorry couldn't resist it! Its a bloody muscle...honey ;) mate it's sponge not muscle, but your right about the blood :P Sponge? How 'weak' of an animal you got? Ok, its a blood vessle ...
by Speedhump
Feb 23, 2009
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Toys
Replies: 71
Views: 26464

gamercowboy wrote:I hear those vibrating rings (the Durex Play things, right?) are lackluster. My friends said it lasted a whole 5 minutes.

yep they're absolute rubbish, even with 'hot' lube. I wouldn't even put them in cheap Christmas crackers...:)
by Speedhump
Feb 23, 2009
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Toys
Replies: 71
Views: 26464

I said that many kids in the UAE are being raised by helpers/maids/nannies. I did not say Emirati children exclusively. Some countries in the world have a culture of hired domestic help that even expats take up when living there because they can afford it. I meant to include those people as well. N...
by Speedhump
Feb 23, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: A 13year old kid in Uk becomes a dad
Replies: 43
Views: 4232

Why you would want one in the first place anyway is beyond me. glad to hear you say that, the real article if applied properly is far better I'm told (modesty forbids further comment, am I turning into Oliveblanche? :D) ...or are you talking root vegetables and clingfilm - cheap option used by a gi...
by Speedhump
Feb 24, 2009
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Toys
Replies: 71
Views: 26464

hi bonk, yes of course you're right, thanks for that!
by Speedhump
Feb 25, 2009
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Schools in Dubai
Replies: 5
Views: 2846

bedro wrote:hotspot shield. Google it and install it.

What do these guys get out of offering you a VPN for free? Seems suspicious!
by Speedhump
Feb 25, 2009
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: proxy
Replies: 18
Views: 16923

still a billion times better than hotmail :D
by Speedhump
Feb 25, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Gmail is down
Replies: 10
Views: 1791

I downoaded Garmin GmobileXT plus UAE/USA/UK maps onto my Nokia N95, works great. You can also use Mapsource software on your PC to make routes and upload them to your unit if you don't like the routes the GPS chooses for you. Above is assuming some tech knowledge of how to look at/alter files on yo...
by Speedhump
Feb 25, 2009
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: GPS system for UAE?
Replies: 6
Views: 11164

w w w . proxy1arabia . c o m. They give you your own private proxy, makes the interweb think you're in Texas, even though they are based in Saudi. No idea how. Hotspotshield is crap, too many banners and it slows things down too. the main site w w w . proxy1arabia . com is blocked, but email then a...
by Speedhump
Feb 26, 2009
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: proxy
Replies: 18
Views: 16923

noaman you're right, it's always worth going to the stadium on the night of the match and wandering around, things can happen. If nothing else, you can sit outside Irish Village and watch the match on the big screen. Quarter finals today, I'll be there from 2 pm until midnight or later, pray for my ...
by Speedhump
Feb 26, 2009
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Dubai Tennis Championship Mens Tickets
Replies: 5
Views: 2523

desert surfer wrote:hahaha

this is one of the worst forums on net with trolls, flamers , attention whores, mobile internet camel riding locals and self-righteous mofos...... good 4 laugh

well....sounds just like RL to me mate :P
by Speedhump
Feb 26, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: If no General Chat...
Replies: 8
Views: 2748

A woman thinks she wants: A guy with nice hands, clean nails, clean shoes, small ar*e, Cartier Tank watch, gold card, car. But ALSO she wants one that will treat her like sh*t because it validates her low self-esteem. When they find this guy that treats them mean, they continually moan about him, bu...
by Speedhump
Feb 26, 2009
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: what women want
Replies: 77
Views: 22385

white_lady if you have somewhere you can use it, I have a full-size fold-up table tennis table, with net, balls, bats, which I don't use, I would sell cheap.

You'd need to transport it from Mirdif though, I don't have a van!
by Speedhump
Feb 26, 2009
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Table Tennis
Replies: 96
Views: 54274

If you get it done within the 30 days, shouldn't think so. But check with the Immigration department. Choco, if it takes longer than 30 days is it just a daily fine for the extra time? I thought it's something like that? But yes, he/she needs really to get the proper info from the DNR, Dept of Natu...
by Speedhump
Feb 26, 2009
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: help.. my father's visa cancelled
Replies: 5
Views: 2272

justmoved wrote:Hello Speed_hump

I'd be interested if you can revert with the make/model of your table and the price unless it's for free!!!! :D

050 456 8417

Let me check tomorrow and get back to you.
by Speedhump
Feb 26, 2009
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Table Tennis
Replies: 96
Views: 54274

Starbucks iced vanilla latte, and chicken and mushroom quiche.

And the choosen's wife.
by Speedhump
Mar 04, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: What are you having for breakfast this morning?
Replies: 44
Views: 6096

I do business with a LOT of indians, many of them are very educated and went to English speaking schools, listened to BBC World radio etc. They speak English with an anglicised accent but not mimicking an English person. The women often sound particularly nice to my mind, very clean and precise Engl...
by Speedhump
Mar 04, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Indians with fake English accents
Replies: 76
Views: 14384


Rosie Perez!
by Speedhump
Mar 04, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Attractive Older Women
Replies: 74
Views: 23249

But a very few Indians do try so hard to sound like the King/Queen of England Exactly. There was a comedy series in the UK a few years ago called 'Goodness Gracious Me' written and performed by Indians. They had a husband and wife sketch called 'the Coopers' who were exactly what we are talking abo...
by Speedhump
Mar 04, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Indians with fake English accents
Replies: 76
Views: 14384

Holly Hunter's 51 this month, old enough? http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTgyNTg1NTU1MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzQwOTg3MQ@@._V1._SX300_SY400_.jpg Comments: Older women often have great eyes and laughter lines. They have skin like soft velvet as their collagen breaks down. They know what they want, ...
by Speedhump
Mar 04, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Attractive Older Women
Replies: 74
Views: 23249

Del wrote:
sage & onion wrote:
Del wrote:Pork? Image

Tuna sandwich and fruit salad from Emarat.

I presume you don't like Pork?

I don't eat pork.
I don't eat dogs either but there are people who do.

I'm lost...!

Monkey brains anyone?
by Speedhump
Mar 04, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: What are you having for breakfast this morning?
Replies: 44
Views: 6096

TheChoosen wrote:
Speedhump wrote:Starbucks iced vanilla latte, and chicken and mushroom quiche.

And the choosen's wife.

NO WAY.....we are still busy....with breakfast :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

LOL ... you eat well my friend!
by Speedhump
Mar 04, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: What are you having for breakfast this morning?
Replies: 44
Views: 6096

Pork? Tuna sandwich and fruit salad from Emarat. I presume you don't like Pork? I don't eat pork. I don't eat dogs either but there are people who do. Do you eat shrimp? I would but my missus won't eat anything from the sea 'unless it has fins and ...
by Speedhump
Mar 04, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: What are you having for breakfast this morning?
Replies: 44
Views: 6096

sage & onion wrote:
Del wrote:I would eat shrimp, yes. (Can't remember the last time though.)

Shrimp is the Vacuum Cleaner of the sea

...and pigs eat anything including flesh!
by Speedhump
Mar 04, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: What are you having for breakfast this morning?
Replies: 44
Views: 6096

Del wrote:It would be stylish if were to speak like 50 Cent?

by Speedhump
Mar 04, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Indians with fake English accents
Replies: 76
Views: 14384

Captain Australia wrote:
RobbyG wrote:
Oh guys, I found a lovely bird; :lol:


There... are.. so... many... things... wrong... with... that... picture, I don't know where to start. :puke:

but Cap'n, she's taken her teeth out just for you... :O
by Speedhump
Mar 04, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Attractive Older Women
Replies: 74
Views: 23249

RobbyG wrote:Lets continue with a hot dress and a woman to die for:

Lisa Rinna:


bit saggy...
by Speedhump
Mar 05, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Attractive Older Women
Replies: 74
Views: 23249

A speedhump looks saggy. These are still feisty especially at 45 years of age. Great woman to look at. ;) what can I say, I dont like 'em, big slabs of meat. plus the dress is a SACK! I think your definition of a beautiful woman is one with the biggest boobs, like a lot of guys :D She's UGLY man......
by Speedhump
Mar 05, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Attractive Older Women
Replies: 74
Views: 23249

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