You know very well you were a card-carrying member, now you're just a 'member' :D I know, You can't even after 70 years of not so Great any more Britain. I challenge you to find just one of my messages that says the UK is the greatest country in the world right now. Come on, you seem to have a lot ...
robbyg, the name bully boy really fits you now LOL, look at your self ! going around the forum fighting and calling ppl names, running after the girls (don't try hard, they saw your pics ) and high jacking every thread and turning it into a fight zone. you became worst than me :) childhood issues r...
I will in fact support anyone who I believe is getting a raw deal. Doesn't mean I always agree with you and the same the other way round I know. But there's nothing wrong with trying to be fair
Well, how on earth can one puppy tell you it's happier than another? Or is it you put a mutilated dobie next to an unmutilated one and the mutilated one looks like it's smiling? Or what? I'm mystified by the 'facts' you've been told. The mutilation is done purely for the happiness of the owner, not ...