Skele - Posts

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If I was driving my old car, built a bit like a tank, I would just slam on the brakes and let the tail gaters hit the back of me, teach them a lesson. But not in my shiny new car. Maybe I could come up with some sort of pie throwing device, that launches custard pies onto their windscreen instead. ...
by Skele
Jul 20, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Daily traffic madness - Let's ducument our road rages
Replies: 99
Views: 13650

Well Desert Dude a recent survey counducted had made it rather clear that the bulk of the accidents were caused by Indians, Pakistanis and Arabs. According to the stats, apart from the Brits, Westerners are quite ok on the road. Getting hassled on the road thankfully has been a rarity for me. Altho...
by Skele
Jul 20, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Daily traffic madness - Let's ducument our road rages
Replies: 99
Views: 13650

I think the issue here is the capitalization of the letters. kB & kb. in 256kbps line you will get up& down to toal 256kbps. In kBps it's 32 max. So check which is shown on the system, kbps or kBps
by Skele
Aug 27, 2009
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: Download Speeds
Replies: 7
Views: 2721

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