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Re: Hatta Pools and Mountains - on (ATV) Quad's

Hi. I'm new & just spent the last hour going through the threads, Beths mum has made me chuckle a couple of times, a woman after my own heart me thinks!:-) Anyway, this one caught my eye. We had an Adventure company in Spain where we used to go to places just like this on the Grizzly's, KTM's &a...
by Sandstormlady
Dec 19, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Hatta Pools and Mountains - on (ATV) Quad's
Replies: 7
Views: 1768

Re: What's The Difference Between....

This has played a great part in the source of my amusement tonight:-)
by Sandstormlady
Dec 19, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: What's The Difference Between....
Replies: 51
Views: 7266

Re: Looking For New Adult Toys

So funny, Bethsmum's last comment!
This is all worth bearing in mind as I'm having a container shipped over in a couple of weeks. (not full of "Toys" I hastened to add:-/) I couldn't bear the shame of my suitcase buzzing at check in again, lol
by Sandstormlady
Dec 19, 2011
Forum: Will Buy in Dubai
Topic: looking for new adult toys
Replies: 7
Views: 13690

Re: What's The Difference Between....

Sufferers of Aspergers Syndrome tend to be extremely clever, numbers, computers etc & tend to be "loners" where as Autistic tend to have lots of behavioural issue's. I have current experience with both syndromes with children & Autistic is very much easier to recognise.
by Sandstormlady
Dec 19, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: What's The Difference Between....
Replies: 51
Views: 7266

Re: What's The Difference Between....

Anybody wearing an anorak, teddies in a car, to make matters worse a little chavvy car & at 40 years old deserved to be fired, I'm shocked that she was given the choice to leave! (note to self, don't buy a fiesta when I arrive in Jan)
by Sandstormlady
Dec 19, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: What's The Difference Between....
Replies: 51
Views: 7266

Re: What's The Difference Between....

Ha ha! So funny BM:-) I noticed you wrote about your new local Sainsburys & did wonder. Do you have a holiday home in Dubai then? My hubby's already there & I've got a Wrangler Jeep to play around in for a while, maybe until I soil it totally then when I can drive like The Whacky Races I'll ...
by Sandstormlady
Dec 20, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: What's The Difference Between....
Replies: 51
Views: 7266

Re: What's The Difference Between....

Almost forgot. Answer to your question my dear is taste! Coke zero is sweetened with aspartame & some kinda potassium, contains only 1/2 a calorie aswell. Diet coke however has a full calorie a is sweetened only with Aspartame. Therefore completely & utterly different taste. (no polka dot el...
by Sandstormlady
Dec 20, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: What's The Difference Between....
Replies: 51
Views: 7266

Re: What's The Difference Between....

Wind the window down? Can't I pay a little man to do that for me? :-)
by Sandstormlady
Dec 22, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: What's The Difference Between....
Replies: 51
Views: 7266

Re: What's The Difference Between....

The last time I wound anything was erm, well actually last night if I'm honest when I got slaughtered & thought I was Beyonce, hubby told me to "wind my neck in!" :-):-)
by Sandstormlady
Dec 22, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: What's The Difference Between....
Replies: 51
Views: 7266

Re: Christmas Wishes From BM!

Merry Christmas BM!! Today has been a stressful day so now in the cold light of "Tropical Fruit Juice" Im beginning to think maybe Dot Cotton is more appropriate, tomorrow morning I'll crack open the Champagne for breakfast & by mid-day I'll think I'm Beyonce again! Slam in the Turkey ...
by Sandstormlady
Dec 25, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Christmas Wishes From BM!
Replies: 14
Views: 2034

Re: The Kindle

@BM, my 8 yr old daughter wanted one but I talked her out of it. A: because it was a nightmare just on finding out how difficult it is to download books in Dubai, b: I like my girls to have proper books, c: my other daughter wanted an Innotab (toddlers net book.) whilst everywhere was out of stock o...
by Sandstormlady
Dec 26, 2011
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: The Kindle
Replies: 16
Views: 5619

Re: George Michael.

I have to say, I really like him but I like BM were a little shocked at his appearance. He was extremely breathless but he said he had a tracheotomy! Wow, he must of been looking at the pearly gates to of needed that to start with. My Daughter at 2 years old was taken to hospital, convulsing with pn...
by Sandstormlady
Dec 26, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: George Michael.
Replies: 2
Views: 997

Re: Are Schools In The UAE Gender Segregated?

No. Trust me, i'm an LSA.
by Sandstormlady
Dec 26, 2011
Forum: Dubai Education
Topic: Are schools in the UAE gender segregated?
Replies: 10
Views: 6818

Re: Go To Work On An Egg.

I think when I read the topic for this thread I kinda had a secret little giggle, I think this is the point where I should leave the conversation......:-/
by Sandstormlady
Dec 26, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Go To Work On An Egg.
Replies: 8
Views: 1642

Re: The Kindle

Can't beat a good wavy paged, damp chick lit by the pool! Mmm, I ask myself " does BM look good in one of those hats that holds the beer & a straw attached?" :-)
by Sandstormlady
Dec 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: The Kindle
Replies: 16
Views: 5619

Re: Are Schools In The UAE Gender Segregated?

uaehop wrote:LSA = Large Sandy Ape ?

You must be the clever one Hop!
by Sandstormlady
Dec 28, 2011
Forum: Dubai Education
Topic: Are schools in the UAE gender segregated?
Replies: 10
Views: 6818

Re: Daft Things Your Pets Do

My dog talks. Have you seen "Dissapointed Dog" on you-tube? Well you must! My dog Reacts & talks to you like that dog when you discuss food. He also comes to you then belch's extremely loudly in your face & boy! You've never heard a dog fart louder than a man than my dog I'll tell ...
by Sandstormlady
Dec 28, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Daft things your pets do
Replies: 26
Views: 2643

Re: Brussel Sprouts Give Me Wind.

They've had an adverse effect on my dog I know that much, bless him, he's still going strong! Erm, for me it's Garlic. We used to live in Spain where EVERYTHING is cooked with it & I still use it as much but I do pay for it, or should I say my family does?! I've never ever "popped" in ...
by Sandstormlady
Dec 28, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Brussel Sprouts Give Me Wind.
Replies: 10
Views: 1551

Re: Any Ideas For Birthday Gifts?

Cubic Zirconia FTW , no woman can tell them from the real thing This is from somebody that thinks an LSA in the work place is A Large Sandy Ape. Sounds like an educated man:-/ My husband just got me the most beautiful heart earrings from Dubai, encrusted with white & pink diamonds! They're amaz...
by Sandstormlady
Dec 28, 2011
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Any ideas for birthday gifts?
Replies: 31
Views: 18659

Re: My Girlfriend Wants To Leave Dubai

Names obviously change on people's passports but ALL details will remain on file. As mentioned before, it will flag up at the airport if she tried to get back into Dubai. Don't risk it!!! In my opinion, you say she's been there 6 months already into a 1 year contract, if she left early she'd have to...
by Sandstormlady
Dec 28, 2011
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: My girlfriend wants to leave Dubai
Replies: 3
Views: 3532

Re: Outstanding Credit Card Balance

I don't know Chocs or yourself, I'm new here too but I have to defend her a tad. You asked people not to judge you, effectively asking them not to get personal but then she gave an opinion which everybody is entitled to but you didn't want to hear those words so you immediately replied with a person...
by Sandstormlady
Dec 28, 2011
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Outstanding Credit Card Balance
Replies: 16
Views: 12545

Re: Brussel Sprouts Give Me Wind.

Why is it that men don't seem to have the slightest problem with doing it in public & think it's ok or even worse, funny? Could you imagine a woman stood in the middle of a shop, cocking a leg & exploding then giggling like a kid?
by Sandstormlady
Dec 28, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Brussel Sprouts Give Me Wind.
Replies: 10
Views: 1551

Re: Daft Things Your Pets Do

My husband thinks that dog's do that just to tease the men. "look what I can do! Ner Ner!"
by Sandstormlady
Dec 28, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Daft things your pets do
Replies: 26
Views: 2643

Re: Are Schools In The UAE Gender Segregated?

@ BM, yeh I figured that one out straight away! :-)
by Sandstormlady
Dec 28, 2011
Forum: Dubai Education
Topic: Are schools in the UAE gender segregated?
Replies: 10
Views: 6818

Re: The Kindle

I like your style BM. I think I'll take a toddlers beaker, those with the lid & spout, that way I'm in no danger of spilling any:-)
by Sandstormlady
Dec 28, 2011
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: The Kindle
Replies: 16
Views: 5619

Re: Daft Things Your Pets Do

Flying Dutchman wrote:
Sandstormlady wrote:My husband thinks that dog's do that just to tease the men. "look what I can do! Ner Ner!"


When playing truth and dare a few months ago...nah I'd better stop.

Lol. "Fishermans tale" springs to mind:-)
by Sandstormlady
Dec 28, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Daft things your pets do
Replies: 26
Views: 2643

Re: Why Are Dentists So Expensive?

My friend had an extraction done & a general going over. It would've been cheaper for her fly back to England & had a weeks holiday!! I'm in the UK now & booked in for clean before I fly over!
by Sandstormlady
Dec 29, 2011
Forum: Health and Medicine in Dubai
Topic: Why are dentists so expensive?
Replies: 31
Views: 50929

Re: The Worst Christmas Presents.

Wow, I thought this was about naff Xmas presents! Sounds like BB seriously needs rid of this person, I have to ask myself why you wasted so much time writing about this person. Anyway, back to the question, I received THE most hideous handbag from my in-laws! Omg! I'm even a tad doubtful if its to c...
by Sandstormlady
Dec 30, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: The Worst Christmas Presents.
Replies: 18
Views: 2151

Re: Daft Things Your Pets Do

"My ex-husband once wee'd in my make up drawer after a session. I had to bin all my eye shadows." - BM said
No wonder he's Ex! I'd of cut the arms out of all of his suits!
by Sandstormlady
Dec 30, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Daft things your pets do
Replies: 26
Views: 2643

Re: New Years Eve Plans

"I remember the anticipation of the Millenium. Now I can't even remember where I was that night." - BM I'll never forget that night. Looking out of my prime spot viewing window over the city of London. This year will be some nice pink bubbles, my last ever Indian from my local takeaway in ...
by Sandstormlady
Dec 30, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: New Years Eve plans
Replies: 44
Views: 4658

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