RitchieD - Posts

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Re: British girl looking for work!

Hi Hannah,

regarding employment you might want to consider viewing the following thread....


incidently i will be moving there in 3 weeks time, so if you fancy a beer.... :wink:
by RitchieD
Mar 16, 2005
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: British girl looking for work!
Replies: 6
Views: 3683

Re: 5-a-side football anywhere?

seanog wrote:Am moving to Dubai in the next few weeks and am looking for a five-a-side football game in the evening somewhere. If you're in a regular game and need someone to make the numbers let me know. cheers

I'm with you on that Seanog. Moving in 12 days and will be desperate for a game of footie!
by RitchieD
Mar 23, 2005
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: 5-a-side football anywhere?
Replies: 11
Views: 3482

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