PakchunRovez - Posts

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Hey buddy? I'm interested in your offer. I know that the /internet is a big potential nowadays. :) Please check your PM box there is my e-mail, and we can talk! I know a friend of mine that is selling websites like crazy and making INSANE money with it day by day! If you are talanted I'm sure we can...
by PakchunRovez
May 22, 2014
Forum: Dubai Investors Needed
Topic: Project investment needed
Replies: 2
Views: 1439

Re: Looking For An Investor For A Big Business

I'm always very curious how people put their nose where they shouldn't. Guy made a thread about investment that he needs, this is his thread. Once the investor reply to him, there are shit load of other business investment seekers with their ideas! And forum ADMINISTRATION is doing nothing! They tot...
by PakchunRovez
May 22, 2014
Forum: Dubai Investors Needed
Topic: Looking for an Investor for a Big Business
Replies: 5
Views: 2224

1 Dubai Jobs .com The First Place to Find a Job in Dubai

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