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Re: Body Scanners

Shafs religion allows for 4 wifes. Doesn't mean he will marry more. Majority of muslim men marry not more than 1. --- Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:13 am --- I'll post the source: Such levels of polygamy are not found outside West Africa, even in other majority-Muslim countries. The polygamy rate in Mauritani...
by Nucleus
Mar 09, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Body Scanners
Replies: 220
Views: 13439

Re: Salvation In Abrahamic Religions

event horizon wrote:So what is "mainstream"? Catholic? Protestant? Orthodox?

They all have varing beliefs on salvation.
There are differences but all these say salvation comes from beleive in the sacrifice of Christ, which is different than both Muslim and Jewish of faith + good works.
by Nucleus
Mar 09, 2012
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Salvation in Abrahamic religions
Replies: 27
Views: 6712

Re: Anna Baltzer & Mustafa Barghouti Extended Interview Pt.

Flying Dutchman wrote: B. is an hypocrite studying at TAU.
by Nucleus
Mar 09, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Anna Baltzer & Mustafa Barghouti Extended Interview Pt. 1
Replies: 8
Views: 880

Re: Salvation In Abrahamic Religions

event horizon wrote:Please cite that.
Check their respective sites.
by Nucleus
Mar 09, 2012
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Salvation in Abrahamic religions
Replies: 27
Views: 6712

Surah Al-Baqarah 55 58 Nouman Ali Khan

by Nucleus
Mar 09, 2012
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Surah Al-Baqarah 55 58 Nouman Ali Khan
Replies: 1
Views: 3815

Re: What Song Do You Listen To Right Now?

by Nucleus
Mar 09, 2012
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: What song do you listen to right now?
Replies: 703
Views: 140153

Re: Body Scanners

by Nucleus
Mar 09, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Body Scanners
Replies: 220
Views: 13439

Re: The Biggest Threat To The GCC

by Nucleus
Mar 09, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: The Biggest Threat to the GCC
Replies: 5
Views: 1198

Re: Event Horizon: Supporting Christian Terrorists?

Eh is conviently ignoring this thread. Why?
by Nucleus
Mar 09, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Event Horizon: Supporting Christian Terrorists?
Replies: 51
Views: 4109

Re: Event Horizon: Supporting Christian Terrorists?

Eh started this at least he should answer his convictions. Shaf has condomned such things, but we haven't heard from eh. This is baiting? If he has nothing to hide then he should clearly state it.
by Nucleus
Mar 09, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Event Horizon: Supporting Christian Terrorists?
Replies: 51
Views: 4109

Re: Salvation In Abrahamic Religions

Why would I when I didn't incorrectly claim what Christians and Jews believe? Because then you can understand the correct beliefs as it appears you have some confusion about them. I only stated what is said on their repective sites. I don't know what your objection is about. If something is wrong s...
by Nucleus
Mar 10, 2012
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Salvation in Abrahamic religions
Replies: 27
Views: 6712

Re: Did Mirza Ghulam Commit Shirk?

Nailed the f**ker! Event Horizon is not a true blue American as he has been pretending for so long. In the other thread where he showed his crassness and extreme poor taste by writing about the floods in Pakistan in a most inhumane way, I had mentioned in one of my replies to his freind BM that he ...
by Nucleus
Mar 10, 2012
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Did Mirza Ghulam commit shirk?
Replies: 17
Views: 4801

Kony 2012: Lord help us, because this campaign won't help...

I’ve been playing the “who’s the biggest terrorist” game for years. It’s particularly fun with Americans, and the most fun with American Christians. You can see their mind going through the options – Saddam, Osama, the Taliban? They’re not sure which one, but they know it’s one of those Arab Muslim ...
by Nucleus
Mar 10, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Kony 2012: Lord help us, because this campaign won't help...
Replies: 7
Views: 1299

Surah Al-Baqarah 59-61.5 Nouman Ali Khan

Parallels between Adam, forgiveness, and demanding to see God.
by Nucleus
Mar 10, 2012
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Surah Al-Baqarah 59-61.5 Nouman Ali Khan
Replies: 0
Views: 3183

Re: Salvation In Abrahamic Religions

I'll start with one of your incorrect beliefs - you claimed faith and good works is a requirement in Judaism for salvation. Many Jews believe atheists will be admitted into their version of heaven. Under the Noahide laws for non-jews, but not the Jews. But that is tricky subject. Judaism is more fo...
by Nucleus
Mar 10, 2012
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Salvation in Abrahamic religions
Replies: 27
Views: 6712

Re: Event Horizon: Supporting Christian Terrorists?

There is a research done that showed children who were close to their mother have slightly bigger brain. Not sure why the brain is bigger, but here is an educated guess maybe the portion that feels love gets bigger.
by Nucleus
Mar 10, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Event Horizon: Supporting Christian Terrorists?
Replies: 51
Views: 4109

Re: Salvation In Abrahamic Religions

event horizon wrote:Thanks, there's your opinion and the view of Rabbis.
In Islam an atheist can go into heaven too, but it is a complicated subject and can get misunderstood.
by Nucleus
Mar 10, 2012
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Salvation in Abrahamic religions
Replies: 27
Views: 6712

Re: Event Horizon: Supporting Christian Terrorists?

I'm talking about this research: Nurturing a child early in life may help him or her develop a larger hippocampus, the brain region important for learning, memory and stress responses, a new study shows. Previous animal research showed that early maternal support has a positive effect on a young rat...
by Nucleus
Mar 10, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Event Horizon: Supporting Christian Terrorists?
Replies: 51
Views: 4109

Re: Event Horizon: Supporting Christian Terrorists?

""It's now clear that a caregiver's nurturing is not only good for the development of the child, but it actually physically changes the brain" Luby said, OR: "It's now clear that parents react more supportive to children who are endowed with larger hippocampal volumes." Tha...
by Nucleus
Mar 10, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Event Horizon: Supporting Christian Terrorists?
Replies: 51
Views: 4109

Nouman Ali Khan- Surah Baqarah Ayat 62 continued

by Nucleus
Mar 10, 2012
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Nouman Ali Khan- Surah Baqarah Ayat 62 continued
Replies: 0
Views: 3242

Re: What Song Do You Listen To Right Now?

by Nucleus
Mar 11, 2012
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: What song do you listen to right now?
Replies: 703
Views: 140153

Re: Event Horizon: Supporting Christian Terrorists?

They are checking the sizes thorought the development period of a childs early growth. And there are significat difference between those who were with their mother and who were not. There is not one study but servral studies that showed this.
by Nucleus
Mar 11, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Event Horizon: Supporting Christian Terrorists?
Replies: 51
Views: 4109

Re: Funny True Story About Muslim Stereotypes

Zonkers has a theory that you're actually a Pakistani living in the States. Now, given that there are some Pakistani Christians .. this would explain your obsession with Muslims and your cowardice when it comes to questions about the Bible... perhaps you're a convert to Christianity and don't know ...
by Nucleus
Mar 11, 2012
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Funny true story about muslim stereotypes
Replies: 132
Views: 51718

Re: Event Horizon: Supporting Christian Terrorists?

Yup few. This article goes in the opposite direction 'child abuse and brain volume' which adds to the support for the theory. " Recent evidence about reduction in brain volume following child abuse and neglect is also outlined."
by Nucleus
Mar 11, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Event Horizon: Supporting Christian Terrorists?
Replies: 51
Views: 4109

Re: Event Horizon: Supporting Christian Terrorists?

Of course parts of the brain may grow if there is stimulation and shrink if there is no stimulation That is the point. I'm suspicious of research that tends to paint only mothers as the most essential people for their children's neurological growth. Not sure about that but there are research showin...
by Nucleus
Mar 11, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Event Horizon: Supporting Christian Terrorists?
Replies: 51
Views: 4109

Re: Divorced & Pregnant......need Some Guidance.

Sorry to hear. Tell him, he is the father. I know you don't want this kind of advice but it happens sometimes and people relook at the whole situation. If I was in your situation I would tell. As for having a baby, if you have your marriage papers there shouldn't be any issue. They are enough to sho...
by Nucleus
Mar 11, 2012
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: Divorced & pregnant......need some guidance.
Replies: 18
Views: 6113

Re: Identifying False Prophets In Islam

Why you want to pretend to be a prophet?
by Nucleus
Mar 11, 2012
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Identifying false prophets in Islam
Replies: 1
Views: 3433

Re: Stoning Is Iraq

I hope perpetrators get punished, this is so sad.
by Nucleus
Mar 11, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Stoning is Iraq
Replies: 5
Views: 1437

Re: Funny True Story About Muslim Stereotypes

by Nucleus
Mar 11, 2012
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Funny true story about muslim stereotypes
Replies: 132
Views: 51718

Re: What Song Do You Listen To Right Now?

zonker wrote:And what should we discuss? Religion??
by Nucleus
Mar 11, 2012
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: What song do you listen to right now?
Replies: 703
Views: 140153

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