Nas7 - Posts

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its a catch 22 situation: on the one hand - you could say marriage is only a piece of paper - it makes no odds if you're married or not, if you love each other then you'll stick by eachother no matter what on the other hand - if she loves you and is 100% committed to you and you only (which i'd expe...
by Nas7
Aug 22, 2005
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: what would you do?
Replies: 34
Views: 8702

life always presents various paths - leaving us with the task of deciding which path to take .... every path has its good days and bad days so regardless of which path you chose, make the most of it because the path you didnt choose could've been worse! :lol: what im trying to say is - "live life" i...
by Nas7
Aug 22, 2005
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: choices...
Replies: 19
Views: 6281

Re: rich

FeiPo wrote:
bingostarr wrote:so feipo you are just another gold digger right


Rich + Old + dying = Love

:lol: funny shit! :lol:

well i cant blame you, im willing to be a toy-boy if a rich chick wants a young stud to look after! 8) :lol: dont all rush at once please! make an appointment 8)
by Nas7
Aug 22, 2005
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Where do you find decent girls in Dubai
Replies: 43
Views: 15908

sincere handsome young man available right here :) dont be shy ladies, i dont bite (unless you ask nicely :3some: )
by Nas7
Aug 22, 2005
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Where do you find sincere guys in Dubai??
Replies: 140
Views: 37859

the ladies replies on here are spot on - i.e.- nicknames (especially in a relationship) only come about as a result of something unique shared between two people - for example i used to call my ex "tulip" which she loved because it was something personal (long story)
by Nas7
Aug 22, 2005
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Female Romantic nicknames.
Replies: 66
Views: 22123

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