MuhammadAsif - Posts

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owner of company file case on me absconding , but i have to put application against him salary, before his case and i have work with him only two month , he still not gives me salary so immigration alweer make my eye scan and deport me but i dont have any deport paper i have all legal paper work eve...
by MuhammadAsif
Nov 27, 2014
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: How to check my passport still on black list in uae
Replies: 21
Views: 50547

Re: Get Your Black List Removed Legally.

Respected Sir, owner of company file case on me absconding , but i have to put application against him salary, before his case and i have work with him only two month , he still not gives me salary so immigration alweer make my eye scan and deport me but i dont have any deport paper i have all legal...
by MuhammadAsif
Nov 27, 2014
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: Get Your Black List Removed Legally.
Replies: 181
Views: 109284

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