MrMagoo - Posts

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Re: Car Detailing

Good thread and referral. I tried Zain Car before I saw this thread as I had heard good things about them from friends. I was really pleased with their price, work and service. I didn't know they did bodywork stuff in addition to detailing. Will definitely try them out for the two large scratches on...
by MrMagoo
Oct 30, 2010
Forum: Dubai Auto
Topic: Car Detailing
Replies: 21
Views: 15156

Re: Most terrorists aren't Islamic?

Fully agree with desertdudeshj -- check out "Diary of an Economic Hitman" - the US has meddled in the fortunes and lives of other countires post WW2 more than any other state. In the 70s and 80s it wass Latin America - more recently the middle east. Next who knows? I doubt the US will ever...
by MrMagoo
Oct 30, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Most terrorists aren't Islamic?
Replies: 5
Views: 1495

Re: Is this is a good package, please respond

This is not a good package in my opinion. Drivers and other similar jobs where the individual is not educated, can not speak nor write english pay up to 5,000 Dhs per month. I have a driver and I pay him 3,500 AED per month (no accomodation). My maid gets 1,800 Dhs per month. In the company I work t...
by MrMagoo
Oct 30, 2010
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Is this is a good package, please respond
Replies: 11
Views: 7262

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