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financial assistance of an expat married to emarati

Is there anyone that can help me? I dont know what to do im from philippines and im married to my emarati husband for 3 yrs now. My prblem is his in the jail now and i dont have any family here, we have 2 beautiful daughters and they r still small. I just want to know is there any chance that i coul...
by Mikozma
May 20, 2013
Forum: Health and Medicine in Dubai
Topic: financial assistance of an expat married to emarati
Replies: 0
Views: 1736

Re: In Need Of Advice

My dear... u r in a very difficult and complicated situation... u r 18yrs. Old... a local here in dubai... dubai is a muslim country and the fact that u r a born muslim... oh my my my... the only advice that i can give u is talk to ur mom about this... if shes on ur side... the best advice u will ge...
by Mikozma
May 20, 2013
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: In need of advice
Replies: 13
Views: 5601

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