Marty - Posts

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Re: Does Beauty Buy Happiness?

Mate ... just quickly isn't this a topic that's def viewed as an individual perspective that the further you delve into it the deeper u go down the rabbit warren of emotional turmoil and ultimately surpassing the state of zen which guides ur mind in that which is just a harmonious balance ... what i...
by Marty
Apr 30, 2011
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Does Beauty Buy Happiness?
Replies: 3
Views: 2554

Re: Does Beauty Buy Happiness?

Chuckle , no mate my response had narry a thing to do with any form of annoyance or any bad feeling towards you , rather ur post inspired what I wrote , which for all intents and purposes was just that convoluted and abstract ... and here I was thinking you might of smiled .. lol are you still on my...
by Marty
Apr 30, 2011
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Does Beauty Buy Happiness?
Replies: 3
Views: 2554

Re: Why Oh Why Are These Losers Still On The Road?

Ah and that is just the tip of the ice berg .. I think the accidents that some of these chaps are well just utterly spectacular in a black somber kinda way .... I mean they don't just right of the BMW 7 series, they also arn't wearing seat belts , and at times children on dash areas.... sheezzz , so...
by Marty
Apr 30, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Why oh why are these losers still on the road?
Replies: 48
Views: 6645

Re: Idiots On The Road

Oh this is GOLD , loving the twists n turns on this topic ... who needs TV when u can sit back and read this stuff.. truly well done my young apprentices..... oh and if ur not young like me :-( , then treat it as a compliment lol Yeah its def the WILD WEST on the UAE roads .... oh talking about road...
by Marty
Apr 30, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: idiots on the road
Replies: 13
Views: 2324

Re: Why Oh Why Are These Losers Still On The Road?

Mate many do ... straight out-a the arc ... but some come down from Abu Dhabi .. thats when it gets messy .... Abu drivers think Fuj is still the hwy .... lol .... wham bam ..... like I say messy ....

But ur right once u enter Fuj .. u enter the .. drum roll ... time zone ... of the lost era ...
by Marty
May 01, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Why oh why are these losers still on the road?
Replies: 48
Views: 6645

Re: Why Oh Why Are These Losers Still On The Road?

Am smiling .. firstly at Drew-keep popin the rock candy ,white lady , hammer , angel dust.. ice; )-peacock .. mate if u CANT keep up .. then simply eat dust of those stream out in front and lay back let the sun set in your lil hammock and have another bud light .... or whatever is ur poison .... coz...
by Marty
May 01, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Why oh why are these losers still on the road?
Replies: 48
Views: 6645

Re: Why Oh Why Are These Losers Still On The Road?

None .. lol no drugs in this dept mate ... and secondly i never 'assume' only presume ... who wants to make an a*s*s outa u an me .... LOL I wrote a tonne of other stuff , then thought uck it .... and deleted it .... .. .. long and short of this or any other 'forum ' its just a place to vent and let...
by Marty
May 02, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Why oh why are these losers still on the road?
Replies: 48
Views: 6645

Re: Why Oh Why Are These Losers Still On The Road?

Hey choc'o' .. I thought being unique is what billions aspire to .. lol ..mate I like my informal blurb .. u better not see my web site then ( and no it aint p<3n - crikey !! ) .. u may get a migraine .. lmao....ah dear ZZZZZZZZ zzzzzzzzzz This why I just prefer talking to fellow ocker Aussies .. we...
by Marty
May 02, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Why oh why are these losers still on the road?
Replies: 48
Views: 6645

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