MarkG - Posts

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Just a few questions

I'm seriously considering moving to Dubai with my girlfriend to live if we can both get residency permits. So I have a few questions. I read that the Dubai government has just allowed "private ownership" of properties by expatriates. Giving them a residency permit if they buy a property. If we buy a...
by MarkG
Aug 23, 2005
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Just a few questions
Replies: 4
Views: 2686

Hi MaaD, Thanks for the reply. Can anyone recommned a good lawyer in Dubai who I can fire a few questions at? Where would be a good area to purchase an apartment? Is there certain areas the expates tend to reside or are you spread through out Dubai? Are there any areas to avoid? Regards Mark
by MarkG
Aug 24, 2005
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Just a few questions
Replies: 4
Views: 2686

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