Marc_ - Posts

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I have seen some job offers mentionning SOA. That means that poeple are talking using it.

The question is what is number of the companies adpoting the SOA?

Any indicators whould be highly apreciated.

by Marc_
Sep 21, 2009
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: SOA - Service Oriented Architecture
Replies: 2
Views: 2466

The end of the economic crisis

Hello, I have been following the news in order to have an idea about the end of this economic crisis. Unfortunately, i was not able to have a clear idea. All what i was able to deduce is : The crisis will end in 2010 - but when? My questions are ************************************************ Do an...
by Marc_
Oct 11, 2009
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: The end of the economic crisis
Replies: 4
Views: 2201

Hello, Thank you for this serious helpful reply. I started to lose hope for a reply. Through out my search i learned (and i don't know the degree of reliability of this source) that most of the work in dubai is for Abu dhabi, Saoudi arabia and Qatar. What about working in abu dhabi, saoudi arabia or...
by Marc_
Oct 19, 2009
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: The end of the economic crisis
Replies: 4
Views: 2201

Good Morning,

I heard on the radio that Real estate in dubai bounced up by 7% in Q3. I guess that it is a good start!!!

What do you think?

What will be the amplitude of this raise on the IT job market? any ideas?

by Marc_
Nov 04, 2009
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: The end of the economic crisis
Replies: 4
Views: 2201


It seems that things are getting better on the international level.

PIB USA in Q3 = +3.5%
PIB Europe (annuale) = +0.4%

Waiting to see the effect on the job market.
Any opinion?

Best Regards,
by Marc_
Nov 15, 2009
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: The end of the economic crisis
Replies: 4
Views: 2201

Hello, These are 2 interesting questions. For the financial situation. i created a thread about the subject. i am trying to update it with the informaiton i read and hear on the radio. The threas is titled: "The end of the economic crisis" For the expected salary, i don't have a clear idea...
by Marc_
Nov 21, 2009
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Re-locating from Canada to UAE as a Software Architect
Replies: 1
Views: 2007

Re: SOA - Service Oriented Architecture


Lately i didn't see any request for SOA.

I wonder if it is the job market or the subject which is not yet popular there!!!!

any idea???

Best Regards
by Marc_
Jan 10, 2010
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: SOA - Service Oriented Architecture
Replies: 2
Views: 2466

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