Mahmoud04 - Posts

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Re: Oops - Bob Did It Again!

welcome back Shaf... its good to see u around mate..
by Mahmoud04
May 08, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Oops - Bob did it again!
Replies: 29
Views: 1749

Re: OBL! At Home.

are we supposed to believe this?
by Mahmoud04
May 08, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: OBL! At Home.
Replies: 56
Views: 3698

Re: A Question About Islam And Jerusalem

wow, its really Sunday BM, u had enough time to write all that... I believe we all don't disagree on history or present, future! may be! But regardless, I have a question, if someone who is for example 4000 years old, would there be a chance that he was Jewish then accepted Christianity then accepte...
by Mahmoud04
May 08, 2011
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: A question about Islam and Jerusalem
Replies: 32
Views: 3811

Re: A Question About Islam And Jerusalem

well, thats why I said "if".... well, the reason I asked, coz sometimes I think of it this way, what if a Jew accepted Christianity or Islam now? will he be sent out of Israel? what if a Muslim decided to be Jew, will he be accepted in Israel? Humans has made the worst use out of religions...
by Mahmoud04
May 08, 2011
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: A question about Islam and Jerusalem
Replies: 32
Views: 3811

Re: Poll: Palestinians Embracing Islamism

well, I was expecting some fights here and there because of whats been happening last few years but didn't expect it that bad... EH, upper Egypt is much worse but not well covered by media :), I guess the army and the new government will have loads of work to do to rearrange cards in Egypt... lets w...
by Mahmoud04
May 08, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Poll: Palestinians embracing Islamism
Replies: 9
Views: 1279

Re: Church Attacks Leave Twelve Dead - Egypt

5 Muslims- 5 Christians :S... the other 2 still not announced i guess...
by Mahmoud04
May 08, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Church attacks leave twelve dead - Egypt
Replies: 50
Views: 4304

Re: A Question About Islam And Jerusalem

what if a Jew accepted Christianity or Islam now? will he be sent out of Israel No. what if a Muslim decided to be Jew, will he be accepted in Israel? No, Someones decision to become a Jew has no influence on whether you will be accepted as a Jew. If you are accepted as a converted Jew, yes, you wi...
by Mahmoud04
May 08, 2011
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: A question about Islam and Jerusalem
Replies: 32
Views: 3811

Re: Church Attacks Leave Twelve Dead - Egypt

did u try it all BM :lol: ...-- Mon May 09, 2011 12:01 am -- What is the point exactly? Plus why do we have to identify people by religion - 12 PEOPLE/HUMAN BEINGS died! well, I agree with that Choco, but when EH posts similar posts I guess he means something specifically... and he always impress me...
by Mahmoud04
May 08, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Church attacks leave twelve dead - Egypt
Replies: 50
Views: 4304

Re: Church Attacks Leave Twelve Dead - Egypt

u r always ready to answer BM... thats good...
by Mahmoud04
May 09, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Church attacks leave twelve dead - Egypt
Replies: 50
Views: 4304

Re: Write About The Person Above You!

^^^always ready with a reply...
by Mahmoud04
May 09, 2011
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Write about the person above you!
Replies: 13551
Views: 945244

Re: A Question About Islam And Jerusalem

Let me give you an example to clarify. If Mahmoud decides to become a Jew (calling himself a Jew and life like a Jew), it does not mean he is a Jew according the Jewish religious institutes. You have to be accepted as a Jew if you want to be allowed into Israel under the law of return. but regardle...
by Mahmoud04
May 09, 2011
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: A question about Islam and Jerusalem
Replies: 32
Views: 3811

Dubai climate!!!!

the weather so far is acceptable, but if I remember last year same time was terrible, I wish it last longer, but am I right? the climate is different this year!!!!

I couldn't imagine that I would be still able to go for BBQ and camping in MAY....
by Mahmoud04
May 09, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Dubai climate!!!!
Replies: 20
Views: 1586

Re: Dubai climate!!!!

Morning Mahmoud! I have to say when I was in Dubai a couple of weeks ago, I thought the weather was just perfect. It wasn't as hot as the same time last year and there was more wind. Morning to u too BM, thats true weather in April this year was wonderful, and as for now its not yet as hot as we us...
by Mahmoud04
May 09, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Dubai climate!!!!
Replies: 20
Views: 1586

Re: A Question About Islam And Jerusalem

its EgyPtian, and Passport...
by Mahmoud04
May 09, 2011
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: A question about Islam and Jerusalem
Replies: 32
Views: 3811

Ideas for lunch, favorite food in Dubai!!!

well, recently we talked about everything away from Dubai, some use DF as Facebook, some trying to feed others their opinions in their mouths, now I am thinking more about my stomach :lol: I was thinking what to have for lunch, I found out I have been eating too much chickens, any other ideas? I fee...
by Mahmoud04
May 09, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Ideas for lunch, favorite food in Dubai!!!
Replies: 71
Views: 8175

Re: Mobile Scam From India??

once I received a call saying I won half million AED bla bla bla, and u have to do ...

anyway i hanged up :d was hungry and going for lunch :D
by Mahmoud04
May 09, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Mobile Scam from India??
Replies: 31
Views: 3333

Re: Church Attacks Leave Twelve Dead - Egypt

did anyone heard about latest news? there is news, please update us EH....
by Mahmoud04
May 10, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Church attacks leave twelve dead - Egypt
Replies: 50
Views: 4304

Re: Church Attacks Leave Twelve Dead - Egypt

The last thing I would want to do is spread incorrect information on Islam

did someone hack into ur account EH, or is there something!!! :shock:

but u still didn't update us with the latest news about the church? u started the topic, i am curios to know the details....
by Mahmoud04
May 10, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Church attacks leave twelve dead - Egypt
Replies: 50
Views: 4304

Re: Mobile Scam From India??

I am not sure if u have this option BB, but some phones support blocking some numbers...
by Mahmoud04
May 10, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Mobile Scam from India??
Replies: 31
Views: 3333

Re: A Question About Islam And Jerusalem

:bounce: wow, I am impressed FD, u answered all the exam questions :bounce:

I found this link ... ebcluster&

didn't yet have enough time to read it, but thought to share anyway....
by Mahmoud04
May 10, 2011
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: A question about Islam and Jerusalem
Replies: 32
Views: 3811

Re: Man Commits Suicide From The Burj Khalifa

when someone is committing a suicide he doesn't really have much plans to choose from, or caring much about what happens the second he die, as he already has no idea if his death will solve his problems, we didn't meat dead ppl so far to know, did we? I feel sorry for him that he reached the level o...
by Mahmoud04
May 11, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Man commits suicide from the Burj Khalifa
Replies: 61
Views: 5446

Re: Church Attacks Leave Twelve Dead - Egypt

in general, when someone says to me, if u agree that u r wrong then i will agree that i am wrong... this is clear enough that he is wrong and trying to blame it on someone else, regardless of its right or wrong... anyway not my point, isn't there any news about the mentioned church attacks in Egypt?...
by Mahmoud04
May 11, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Church attacks leave twelve dead - Egypt
Replies: 50
Views: 4304

Re: Man Commits Suicide From The Burj Khalifa

Hi BM, don't know how the insurance thing work here in Dubai, i know there is something like 36 months insurance in case of death, suicide included or not, don't know! But lets imagine u met this guy 1 hour b4 his death, would he has been miserable, depressed, lost, desperate, etc...? i feel sorry f...
by Mahmoud04
May 11, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Man commits suicide from the Burj Khalifa
Replies: 61
Views: 5446

Re: Write About The Person Above You!

^^^should know that Dubai weather is getting hotter these days...
by Mahmoud04
May 11, 2011
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Write about the person above you!
Replies: 13551
Views: 945244

Re: Write About The Person Above You!

^^^being a BBQ lover, any ideas for BBQing in summer :S
by Mahmoud04
May 11, 2011
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Write about the person above you!
Replies: 13551
Views: 945244

Re: Church Attacks Leave Twelve Dead - Egypt

EH, don't change to the subject with another biased argument, you started the subject with a Church attack, update us with the current situation and why these violence happened, in details plzzzz I wanna make a good reporter out of u mate, this way u r just a rumor spreader.... Kanelli, Muslims by I...
by Mahmoud04
May 11, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Church attacks leave twelve dead - Egypt
Replies: 50
Views: 4304

Re: Mobile Scam From India??

:lol: 1-nill Kanelli :compress:
by Mahmoud04
May 11, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Mobile Scam from India??
Replies: 31
Views: 3333

Re: Church Attacks Leave Twelve Dead - Egypt

hi Berrin, its almost 60% correct, the girl herself went to the army yesterday and investigations should have started, and as she said on phone calls to the media before the Church kept her since march and was convincing her to revert from Islam "thats what she said" and on Saturday when t...
by Mahmoud04
May 11, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Church attacks leave twelve dead - Egypt
Replies: 50
Views: 4304

Re: Remembering.......

by Mahmoud04
May 11, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Remembering.......
Replies: 16
Views: 1454

Re: Church Attacks Leave Twelve Dead - Egypt

u mean the TV phone interviews? or the fake internet one? (i am not even sure if its fake or not) or the news from news paper! anyway I kinda have the full story in mind now, not confirmed, but more than any of you guys :D wish EH will amuse us with more details from his side... Husband and Wife :sh...
by Mahmoud04
May 11, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Church attacks leave twelve dead - Egypt
Replies: 50
Views: 4304

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