I can at some extend understand BM point of view (whether i agree or not) but Berrin and Zubber...its a big NO....no justification for jokes about Jesus or bible or any other belief... this is the basics of believers "I" guess!!!!
I am using googlechrome for sometime now, used to use Firefox till it crashed a few times then i took it out of my life :)... I usually open lots of tabs.. about the favorite, while the website is open click on the star on the right side of the bar, thats it... to view ur favorite click on the screw...
well, I thought we may can share videos here, rather than starting a new topic each time... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hzgzim5m7oU&feature=player_embedded "I wrote the same but different words"-- Sat Apr 16, 2011 2:09 am -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FN4a5ijVbAs&feature=sha...
I would suffer both ways, but I would prefer to know, sometimes we have words stuck inside and they can only get out when we feel someone won't be around later...so we say them before its too late...
Where in KSA? I believe the western part (Jedda) so is the eastern (Dammam, Khubar) are a bit less restricted than the middle (Riyadh, Quessem, etc)... I've been there for a month last summer (Riyadh), streets and malls there is no real dress code for men, anything below the knees should be good, fo...
yesterday I was doing some shopping in a mall, I hate malls, but sometimes have to... after buying some stuff and heading to the foot court I saw family of 4, the mother was controlling the kids to be around her with a rope tied at their belts.... :roll: which seemed a new idea to me, and easy way o...
what was that well, what I've seen wasn't like that at all, and the kids seemed to be following their mom anyway, and the mother seemed to be careful, but I still don't like it...
I agree
If you can't be bothered to teach your child to mind you, then leave them home.
well, it doesn't need an expert :D I am sure u can find it easily EH... hint 1 the sons of those who believe with him hint 2 throw (the child) into the chest, and throw (the chest) into the river read it again, arrange the times and think for a minute...-- Sun Apr 24, 2011 11:10 am --hmmm, didn't u ...
Contradiction in what sense? as why did he? or did he or not? by Hebrew here, u mean Israel ( Prophet) sons or Moses followers (those who believed in Moses)? anyway, if you read the whole story, and as I read and heard it, When Moses was an infant, Pharaoh (whose probably Ramsis the 2nd) got a warni...
just a question, BM, do u know if Muhammed's parents are aware? I don't see these boys are mean from what u said so far, but its good that u r in the scene and congratulations for the relation u have with B...
EH, do u mean that Arabs loved Saddam? was that before 1991 or after? and was that while the states were supporting him or after? War with Iran? or was that while US & British troops were in Iraq (for a picnic I guess) or before or after or here or there.......... do u know whats politics? in ot...
its great news I guess, but I guess the coming actions needs to be quick and firmly pushing on holding fires from both sides, I am worried if they kill one Bin Laden and have 100 Bin Laden born...
I have no idea how that can be done, but there must be a way for that.. any ideas!!!!
I wasn't a fan of OBL at all, and totally against armed groups whoever they are, but dumping OBL body into the sea (if its true) isn't so smart, first OBL won't feel it, 2nd it would give a chance to ppl to make a topic out of nothing...
another point of view, being dead is better... if he was still alive and arrested, can u imagine the number of attacks and kidnaps that would have occurred to free him? even thought I am wondering did the US adopt this point of view? or they really wanted him dead? I am kinda sure that, if they want...
good to know... Now this begs the question, how will future elections in the W. Bank turn out if Palestinians could vote for candidates who espouse ideology of Hamas or Hizb-ut-tahrir? the answer It's also worth pointing out that Palestinians in Gaza celebrated the recent unity deal between Hamas an...
Hi Mahmoud. How are events going in Egypt? I have a feeling that when they realize 'democracy' doesn't put food on the table, Egyptians will want something else. What do you think? HI EH, how are you? thanks for asking about Egypt, things seems to be cool, u will have to wait and watch... 'democrac...
freedom of speech mate ... do u want the translation? by the way did u hear about the fights happened around a church in Cairo today :s still thinking how long it will take for things to calm there....
WIFE: I wrote your name on sand it got washed. I wrote your name in air, it was blown away. Then I wrote your name on my heart & I got Heart Attack. ————————- HUSBAND: God saw me hungry, he created pizza. He saw me thirsty, he created Pepsi. He saw me in dark, he created light. He saw me without...