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Possible To Learn A Linguistics Degree in Dubai?

moving to dubai this summer (YIKES!!!!) would like information regarding (adult) it possible to learn a linguistics degree in dubai? i'm from U.S. and interested in learning Arabic or Farsi...i have only community college credits that i know are most likely non-transferrable...i don't...
by LuvTheHeat
Feb 16, 2008
Forum: Arabic learning Forum
Topic: Possible To Learn A Linguistics Degree in Dubai?
Replies: 0
Views: 2566

Possible To Earn A Linguistics Degree in Dubai?

moving to Dubai from U.S...was working on a linguistics degree here and have only community/junior college credits...i know my credits prob wont transfer in Dubai, and am aware that there are several places to learn Arabic and other languages.....however, is it possible to earn a linguistics degree ...
by LuvTheHeat
Feb 19, 2008
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Possible To Earn A Linguistics Degree in Dubai?
Replies: 0
Views: 1081

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