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Looking for a JOB? Be Aware of Yamaha.

I've worked with Yamaha Music (MI, AV, and CA-PA-products) for 5 years in Sales & Marketing, in-charge of all CIS-region + Russia. Yamaha is a chiep company with NO respect to its people, Customers/Distributors, or business. :twisted: You will never find any logic explanations to its behaviour, ...
by Lolly
Dec 19, 2008
Forum: Dubai Black list
Topic: Looking for a JOB? Be Aware of Yamaha.
Replies: 9
Views: 7304

Does not depend on the income...,, unless u take a flat or villa for urself-- u r still at risk.... munciplaity can knock ur door ... anytime of the day....even if one stays at a studo or hall, with private entrance, but shares the same villa with other people--u r still sharing, so breaking the rul...
by Lolly
Dec 20, 2008
Forum: Accommodation in Dubai
Topic: How do "normal" people afford to live here?
Replies: 4
Views: 3756

maximusprime wrote: "very challenging to talk to (also her english aint that great)"..... New challenge or lost cause? ""Rock ur world".... ........ You are definitely increadably romantic!... or naIve..... here's a tip how to talk to a russian girl in Dubai, who speaks no e...
by Lolly
Dec 20, 2008
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Russian chicks (not prostitutes)
Replies: 78
Views: 40979

U were joking???! ha-ha! so funny. :? :twisted: Bouche a toi!!! I've been 6 years in Dubai and never met a single Russian, Ukranian or Belarus prostitute...... One more point-- the economic level of Russia is much higher than that of China, Philippines, Morrocco, India...Got me? got the message? to ...
by Lolly
Dec 20, 2008
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: what percent of russian women in Dubai are prostitutes
Replies: 107
Views: 88008


unless-->>> unlike
by Lolly
Dec 20, 2008
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: what percent of russian women in Dubai are prostitutes
Replies: 107
Views: 88008

Ya...and out of these "lot many people who are not alone" 50 % are either dreaming of another partner or wish to get rid of relationship one day... Nothing is perfect, but if it did NOT work out??!-is it better (and worth?) to go on suffering or take a decision, change? It's increadable pa...
by Lolly
Jan 06, 2009
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: single again
Replies: 42
Views: 13721

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