im 31 years and i want find a partnership to creat a new busisness in Dubai.If youre interessted or if you only want informations called me: 0662847542
or send me a mail
I want to investing in Dubai.
I have two markets in france in order to finance my projects in Dubai
Can you tell me more informations about you busisness?
my number 0662847542
and my mail
i want to investing in a good busisness in dubai and if you interesting for a partnership you can send me a mail with more information pls qabyla.abouneis@hotmail.fr or called me: 0662847542
Assalam a'licum wa rahmatoullahi wa barakatuh Cheikh im algerian muslim and i have two busisness in france in order to finance a project in Dubai. im interessted by your request. i speak english,french and also arabic. im really motivated by create a new rentable project in dubai . i come live in yo...
Assalam a'licum
if you want an investissor for your busisness im your man,only if your bizness is rentable
contact me qabyla.abouneis@hotmail.fr 0662847542
im french and i want invest in entreprises in uae.
if you want more investissment send me mail for more informations:
qabyla.abouneis@hotmail.fr or called me: