XRW-147 wrote:
Awww... I sponsor a little water boy from there
XRW-147 wrote:Funny, I actually lost weight when I came here. As oppose to some who've become nothing but blobs and princess and moan about it. Don't see what the fuss is about, there's healthy food out there and its not hard to find it.
Chocoholic wrote:The food portions are ridiculous, they're fat yank sizes, no wonder people put on weight, I have to always ask for a quarter of the regular portion, it's just too much food!
xibit wrote:and ur point here is ?
MaaaD wrote:its actually a picture in my wallet. what if i get the urges while not at home ?
xibit wrote:every one knows the plight of arabs or muslims what good will it do to them by u posting the the plight of the Arabs here
the_zooter wrote:Are you looking to give Ariana some sort of official endorsement by the DFM??