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K, The argument also goes outside relgion and I think is even more a gender thing, funny how men are encouraged to sow their oats as it were, but if a woman does it and is opne about the fact that she enjoys it, then it's frowned upon - that's what I don't get. Again a male double standard. I have ...
by Liban
May 13, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Is this really perverted and dangerous....?
Replies: 148
Views: 17316

Nope. Nobody is pregnant.

Though I would love a baby, beleive me on that :D, unfortunatly for financial reasons now is not a good time :(

Soon though...
by Liban
May 13, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Why are Jews so Powerful?
Replies: 46
Views: 8067

Soooooooo i am reckon i am right then - see the other thread re "spout" :wink: :wink: Nah dude, no spout like I said in the other thread... Its more that I have had some altercations with people in the real world and having a rational response to irrational people brought them to rational...
by Liban
May 13, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: The Liban Test
Replies: 34
Views: 4119

alexandra wrote:Liban, pls tell us the secret of ur change, man i have to congratulate u!

See above thread :D

PS - Romania is beautiful... Been there as a kid...
by Liban
May 13, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: The Liban Test
Replies: 34
Views: 4119

Highly doubt it... Sniper was a recent university graduate. He was in his early 20s... Doubt he was suffering from cancer nor that he died so this was a poor poor poor joke...
by Liban
May 14, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Urgent - Can anyone confirm or deny this ?
Replies: 230
Views: 22019

I have seen these photos before. It is sad and regrettable and a direct result of what was called my "liberal rantings on the power of the Jews"... Because of the fraternity of the people of Jewish religion and the resulting control (more detail in my other post), they have managed to do f...
by Liban
May 14, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Lets Go to School ...
Replies: 135
Views: 14300

I still think it isn't true....

Sniper said a few times he visisted other forums using the same name... If only someone (Arnie or K) can research this and see what is being said in the other forums...
by Liban
May 14, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Urgent - Can anyone confirm or deny this ?
Replies: 230
Views: 22019

arniegang wrote:i think we would prefer Nurse Kanelli

:wink: :wink:

Yes, I prefer that too....

But I need a sponge bath first :D
by Liban
May 14, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: The Liban Test
Replies: 34
Views: 4119

by Liban
May 14, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: The Liban Test
Replies: 34
Views: 4119

A Muslim woman can only marry a non-Muslim if he converts prior to their marriage.

I think for a Muslim man, the woman would have to also convert but can do so after marriage. Their children though are to be raised as Muslim.
by Liban
May 14, 2006
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Local women rules? wow
Replies: 48
Views: 19488

Does anyone know his real name or the area of Canada he lived.? If so pm me or anyone else with Canadian links like Liban, Kanelli etc. It will be treated with confidence. I beleive he is from Toronto because he spoke of going to the beach on Toronto Island. Kanelli is from Toronto but I don't see ...
by Liban
May 14, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Urgent - Can anyone confirm or deny this ?
Replies: 230
Views: 22019

God I hope we find out what happened to him.... I truely am starting to feel a rock in my stomach... :oops:
by Liban
May 14, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Urgent - Can anyone confirm or deny this ?
Replies: 230
Views: 22019

Mabrook... Congratulations. :D
by Liban
May 15, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: New Arrival
Replies: 22
Views: 2928

This is very sad and regrettable.

Someone is acting like a huge feather I think and you know what? When you pull crap like this well, what goes around comes around.... Thats all I will say.... :shock:
by Liban
May 15, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Urgent - Can anyone confirm or deny this ?
Replies: 230
Views: 22019

The original inhabitants of the area are the Sephardic Jews. These are Jews from Arab lands that were, pre-Israel, for all intents and purposes Arabs.

Just a FYI :)
by Liban
May 15, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: The biggest robbery of the 20th century
Replies: 16
Views: 3300

Violence is not the answer Choco. Take a deep breath and relax :)
by Liban
May 15, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Linda "i've got a huge chip on my shoulder Struv is bac
Replies: 11
Views: 1531

God... So expensive for crap !!!! :shock:
by Liban
May 16, 2006
Forum: Accommodation in Dubai
Topic: Accommodation galore
Replies: 15
Views: 4066

These prophecies show that the Puranas containg prophecies which have come true. This means that God revealed these prophecies and they were recorded.. and therefore by definition, true prophets of God were sent to the Indians. This means that Krishna must have been a prophet of God! You must be ki...
by Liban
May 16, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Replies: 17
Views: 5992

guys i have been following this thread even though i am rather new here and don't recall knowing sniper...and to see the amount of concern that has been generated from a rumour (thankfully) is really heart warming!...arnie,everyone in DF is privelaged to have someone looking after the forum and its...
by Liban
May 16, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Urgent - Can anyone confirm or deny this ?
Replies: 230
Views: 22019

If this hashman comes out to be a liar or a bearer of false declarations then there shall be repercussions...
by Liban
May 16, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Urgent - Can anyone confirm or deny this ?
Replies: 230
Views: 22019

K&N cone filters are a BADDDD idea for this country.
by Liban
May 16, 2006
Forum: Dubai Auto
Topic: CAI for a CIvic 2006
Replies: 17
Views: 4052

HP I already know which Uni Sniper is at. But as a mod with the means to having traced it through his IP, i cannot and will not reveal it. It would be be an abuse of my position to make this information public. I have to keep it confidential. Sorry. In any event, I saw the university he went to usi...
by Liban
May 16, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Urgent - Can anyone confirm or deny this ?
Replies: 230
Views: 22019

HP wrote:
Have you spoken to the University ? what do they say? If he is alive or shall we say " Ina lilahi wa ina ilahi raji-une" ? Liban can explian what does Ina lilahi wa ina ilahi raji-une mean??

Basically means dead.... To God I belong (and came from) and to God I go back....
by Liban
May 16, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Urgent - Can anyone confirm or deny this ?
Replies: 230
Views: 22019

I'm just saying that I wouldn't spend that kind of money for a place in Bur Dubai, Deira, Karama, Satwa and co....

For God's sake... For 85k for a 2 bedroom in Karama or Bur Dubai is tantamount to robbery... I got my villa in a great area in a gated community for a tiny bit more.... :roll:
by Liban
May 16, 2006
Forum: Accommodation in Dubai
Topic: Accommodation galore
Replies: 15
Views: 4066

Liban soooooooooooo funny :lol: :lol: :lol: Before i searched his IP's i contacted 2 Uni's by phone and got through to the Student Admin, geeeeezzzzzzz they must have thought i was some kind of cranky weirdo. "Sniper, how do you spell that sir, are you saying his name is Daniel Sniper? " ...
by Liban
May 16, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Urgent - Can anyone confirm or deny this ?
Replies: 230
Views: 22019

The Quran has no reference to any religion other than Judaism and Christianity and since God said that the Prophet Mohammad was the last of His Messangers then by direct result, the Quran would discredit Hinduism.
by Liban
May 16, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Replies: 17
Views: 5992

If people in Canada want to hear something remotly similar to what is spoken in different regions of the UK they need only visit Victoria in BC or Newfoundland....
by Liban
May 16, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Urgent - Can anyone confirm or deny this ?
Replies: 230
Views: 22019

"Hu said to me, 'Son of Adam, go, get you to the house of Yisra'el, and speak with My Words to them. For you are not sent to a people of a strange speech and of a hard language, but to the house of Yisra'el; not to many peoples of a strange speech and of a hard language, whose words you can not...
by Liban
May 16, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Lets Go to School ...
Replies: 135
Views: 14300

According to the Old Testament, only the Messiah can re-establish the State of Israel. So forgetting the Quran for a moment and the antagonist Zionist movement, if we were to focus on the Book of the Jews, Christians, and yes the one that Muslims too respect, modern day Israel is a sinful and illega...
by Liban
May 16, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Lets Go to School ...
Replies: 135
Views: 14300

Chocoholic wrote:Oi, you guys should know by now I'm greatly against pirating any kind of media - shame on you!

Long live piracy!!!!! :lol:
by Liban
May 16, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Urgent - Can anyone confirm or deny this ?
Replies: 230
Views: 22019

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