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Re: Dubai Relationship & Dating Nightmare!

i also agree with this, it takes a lot of effort as well for a man to mke a woman feel comfotable, i have been dating fr quite a some times, and i always end up in 1st n second meet up n 3rd one. usually, first dates needs to be fun, or funny, getting to know part, at some point u can see if u will...
by Kimsong22
Jul 16, 2014
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Dubai relationship & Dating nightmare!
Replies: 34
Views: 20951

Re: Reasons Why HE Stopped Calling?

haha .. i had fun reading this forum. yea, i think he just lost the interest and jump to another one who can fulfill his needs. huhu. experienced it. but its just cool with me, the next time he saw me in the gym, he became so sweet, cool and asking me how am i. but thats just all. cos i also stop se...
by Kimsong22
Jul 16, 2014
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Reasons why HE stopped calling?
Replies: 65
Views: 17485

Re: Reasons Why Filipinas Are Cheap

just dont generalized people. we all have differences. obviously, even languages. Filipino people are good. flexible. and very friendly. we cant judge per nationality. that will be unfair for everyone, and for the ones who found love to filipinas/filipinos. i know someone, american beautiful lady wh...
by Kimsong22
Jul 16, 2014
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Reasons why Filipinas are cheap
Replies: 20
Views: 32723

Re: Dubai Relationship & Dating Nightmare!

Yah. Anyone can just say anything, cos u wont check it in a way u need to go in their own country. Haha. I need fresh air, and AC is there. Everything here is some kind of an instant, and artificial. How can u meet the real one.if everyone is trying to project someone their not. But, hey.. i still b...
by Kimsong22
Jul 16, 2014
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Dubai relationship & Dating nightmare!
Replies: 34
Views: 20951

Re: Good Places To Go If You Are Single?

Maybe, 2 out of 10 approximated ratio will luckily find one in a bar. Wrong location, exactly! Either, a single may come there just for fun, either broken hearted, frustrated, needs someone to talk to, and last one is look fr a genuine guy? Or genuine girl? Usually genuine singles dont go for pubs, ...
by Kimsong22
Jul 16, 2014
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Good places to go if you are single?
Replies: 19
Views: 37883

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