Kaka - Posts

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Mimo is a liar and a cheater!!!!!

He has never been a housekeeping supervisor or a restaurantmanager!
He is a liar and a cheater!!!!!!

Believe me, I know!!!!!!!
by Kaka
Feb 21, 2007
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: got the job
Replies: 11
Views: 3704


This might be a funny word in your language, in mine it's just a nickname... Like this Mimo 64, he's lazy, can't keep a job, has been fired several times, always sick...check all his jobs if you want to. He cheats on his wife, and now he's even telling lies about the so called jobs he had...just try...
by Kaka
Feb 23, 2007
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: got the job
Replies: 11
Views: 3704

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