Jumeirah2020 - Posts

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who need a local sponsorship?

Hello, I am a local sponsor available at any time to help you open your business in dubai. I take my role seriously and have very good connections wich can help to facilitate and make it fast to get any license.

call me if you need my help 0509544999.
by Jumeirah2020
Nov 23, 2014
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: who need a local sponsorship?
Replies: 6
Views: 3545

local sponsorship

Hello, I am a local sponsor available at any time to help you open your business in dubai. I take my role seriously and have very good connections wich can help to facilitate and make it fast to get any license.

call me if you need my help 0509544999.
by Jumeirah2020
Nov 23, 2014
Forum: Investors Looking for Businesses
Topic: local sponsorship
Replies: 1
Views: 1415

local sponsorship

Hello, I am a local sponsor available at any time to help you open your business in dubai. I take my role seriously and have very good connections wich can help to facilitate and make it fast to get any license.

call me if you need my help 0509544999.
by Jumeirah2020
Nov 23, 2014
Forum: Dubai Investors Needed
Topic: local sponsorship
Replies: 0
Views: 909

Re: Who Need A Local Sponsorship?

rdgventures , you are welcome any time.
by Jumeirah2020
Dec 10, 2014
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: who need a local sponsorship?
Replies: 6
Views: 3545

local sponsorship

Hello, I am a local sponsor available at any time to help you open your business in dubai. I take my role seriously and have very good connections wich can help to facilitate and make it fast to get any license.

call me if you need my help 0509544999.
by Jumeirah2020
Apr 24, 2015
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: local sponsorship
Replies: 0
Views: 1192

1 Dubai Jobs .com The First Place to Find a Job in Dubai

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