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Re: Why Do You Guys Like Dubai?

Dubai is "different", so you should prepare yourself for a sort of culture shock. You are right in saying it does not have a cohesive culture; in fact it does not really have a culture....yet. People here are not cold, they are indifferent. They stay in their own little circles, usually de...
by Jonkers
Feb 25, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Why do you guys like Dubai?
Replies: 49
Views: 10317

Re: Why Do You Guys Like Dubai?

lonelyndubai , I am a Canadian of Pakistani origin! BTW, I dont live or work in Dubai anymore. By the end of my 8 years there, I was getting comfortably numb, and knew I had to get out or fade away in my cocoon. From your interests in baking, and other things you mentioned in your post, am I right ...
by Jonkers
Feb 25, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Why do you guys like Dubai?
Replies: 49
Views: 10317

Re: Why Do You Guys Like Dubai?

Am I to assume you have now returned to Canada? Yes. BTW, the only thing I bake is a Salmon! Yummy. I have recently turned to making a pan seared Salmon (in olive oil), that tastes even better :D How is it working in Dubai? The culture shock that I mentioned earlier, follows you to your workplace. ...
by Jonkers
Feb 26, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Why do you guys like Dubai?
Replies: 49
Views: 10317

Re: Why Do You Guys Like Dubai?

^^^you sound just like FF! Do I? Should this go in my CV? :? --- Feb 27, 2013 --- lonelyndubai , Well, you sound like an intelligent being and I am sure you'll find your way. I didn't say Dubai was bad, notice, just different. You have to be clear about what you want from it, and then you will not ...
by Jonkers
Feb 27, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Why do you guys like Dubai?
Replies: 49
Views: 10317

Re: In Need Of Advice

AnonymousEmirati , good decision! once you can stand on your two feet you can do anything try the following religions church of the flyingspagettimonster Deism scientology also you will have to change your name , to something cool like jenna jameson , carmen electra as for nationality , europe /nor...
by Jonkers
Feb 28, 2013
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: In need of advice
Replies: 65
Views: 13790

Which is the Road to Dubai?

There was once a fork in the road. Well, it is probably still there. Isn't there always one? Even in Life? Wish there were not that many 'forks in the road'. Sometimes we take the wrong one! Sometimes, that one just turns out to be the one that really mattered. Has that ever happened to you? But I d...
by Jonkers
Mar 01, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Which is the Road to Dubai?
Replies: 2
Views: 1509

Re: Why Do You Guys Like Dubai?

but in my travels I've never heard a 'New Yorker' say 'spot on' or 'autumn'...does not make you a bad person but... Welcome Ambassador! LTNS.....(I was Frequentflier, and FF2, in the past and now this!) Ever heard of a movie called "Autumn in New York"?? Its a good one and recommended! Ri...
by Jonkers
Mar 02, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Why do you guys like Dubai?
Replies: 49
Views: 10317

Re: Which Is The Road To Dubai?

Yes, I have misplaced or in other words, lost my passwords associated with that account (FF2). That's a great loss because I had been working hard to build up my posts-bank.
Oh well :oops:
by Jonkers
Mar 02, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Which is the Road to Dubai?
Replies: 2
Views: 1509

Re: The Kite Runner

Anyone interested in this topic, would do well to go through this : You need a strong stomach to read that. Briefly, this is a practice that has been in Afghanistan since very ancient times. Afghanistan has hardly made any progress towards 21st century practice...
by Jonkers
Mar 02, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: The Kite Runner
Replies: 7
Views: 1984

Re: The Kite Runner

benwj , One has to understand the cultural background. Somehow, the positive, or sodomizing partner (with all due apologies for the crudeness of my language) is considered as the macho man to be looked up to in social circles, where as the stigma and humiliation is attached to the one sodomized. So...
by Jonkers
Mar 02, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: The Kite Runner
Replies: 7
Views: 1984

Re: Bunny J At Dubai Mall

I have to develope a taste for this I guess.
If I could do it for coffee.....why not here? :D
by Jonkers
Mar 03, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Bunny j at Dubai Mall
Replies: 3
Views: 1674

Re: I Removed The Politics Forum From DF

Just testing
by Jonkers
Mar 03, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: I removed the Politics Forum from DF
Replies: 34
Views: 6287

Re: What Song Do You Listen To Right Now?

Great poetry and philosophy: Could death be so near when I am still so young? About 1944 :drunken:
by Jonkers
Mar 09, 2013
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: What song do you listen to right now?
Replies: 703
Views: 142817

Re: Why Do You Guys Like Dubai?

I am wondering where country 'X' is. I have a short-list of one :D
by Jonkers
Mar 10, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Why do you guys like Dubai?
Replies: 49
Views: 10317

Re: Why Women Are Complicated????????

wazabi , It would seem like you are destined to fall for a particular kind of woman. From your recent experience (as described by you above) my advice would be: enjoy the ride while it lasts, but be prepared for the fall. As you can see, not every woman would like to be with a 'good guy'. That woul...
by Jonkers
Mar 10, 2013
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Why women are complicated????????
Replies: 50
Views: 10533

Re: Write About The Person Above You (General Chat Version)

^^ Click on it. Its not as disgusting as the teeth. Its informative :D
by Jonkers
Apr 04, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Write about the person above you (General Chat Version)
Replies: 428
Views: 52080

Pearls of Wisdom

Something I thought I'd share with you; a little cut and paste from something my brother emailed me :lol: : ---------------------------- When the white missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said 'Let us pray.' We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bibl...
by Jonkers
Apr 04, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Pearls of Wisdom
Replies: 0
Views: 964

Re: Saudi Is Scarey!

How easy would it be to persuade a doctor to carry out that procedure? Doesn't that go against all they are trained for? You seem to hold doctors in high esteem! Well, some of them are nice, aren't they? :D However, you could have others that agree with the Saudi values, and would gladly oblige to ...
by Jonkers
Apr 05, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Saudi is Scarey!
Replies: 7
Views: 2026

Re: Hello

even talk about it with friends and family anymore, no matter how much they may try to get me into a conversation with them about! Well, that's a very nice approach. I am glad you have adopted a more mature attitude. Live and let live, right? I am doing quite well myself. Depends on what time of th...
by Jonkers
Apr 05, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Hello
Replies: 11
Views: 1915

Re: Margaret Thatcher

I happened to be living and working in the UK during those years that you speak of BM, so I was an observer of events to a certain extent. I think Mrs T spear headed the idea of privatization to bring about an economic turn-around. And she was very successful in this. She realized she had to break t...
by Jonkers
Apr 11, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Margaret Thatcher
Replies: 8
Views: 1974

Re: What Song Do You Listen To Right Now?

I like the beat of this!! From the North Western mountainous regions of Paksitan.
The soul is still alive :D ... =3&theater
by Jonkers
Apr 13, 2013
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: What song do you listen to right now?
Replies: 703
Views: 142817

What is a 710??

A blonde went to a car spare parts shop and said, " I want a 710 ." Both the sales people looked blankly at her. They'd never heard of anything like a 710 . They called to someone in the back, "Fred, this lady is asking for a 710!" Fred had never heard of one either. In an effort...
by Jonkers
Apr 27, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: What is a 710??
Replies: 8
Views: 1398

Empathy: The Human Connection to Patient Care.

Here is something that I found so touching, and want to share with you.
In the rush and bustle of our lives, we tend to forget that there are "other" people with thier own problems in their own individual worlds.
Spare a thought for them.
by Jonkers
May 03, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Empathy: The Human Connection to Patient Care.
Replies: 0
Views: 1113

Re: Well Done Wigan Athletic

Oh that's not very good news!
I am a Man City supporter :(
I believe it was a major upset by the under-dogs Wigan Athletic.
by Jonkers
May 12, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Well done Wigan Athletic
Replies: 17
Views: 2705

When Do You Flip Your Mattress?

Well, with all this talk of football and other sports, I thought I would change the subject a little to something that is so important in our lives but we rarely talk about it. I mean the mattress that you sleep on :D . I was reminded of this by a friend today. Him and his wife are not on talking te...
by Jonkers
May 16, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: When Do You Flip Your Mattress?
Replies: 7
Views: 2449

Re: When Do You Flip Your Mattress?

BMreformed wrote:I didn't flip it as I didn't want to do my back in.

A very good decision.
"Back care" takes precedence over "mattress care"!
I dont flip mine for the same reason :D
by Jonkers
May 16, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: When Do You Flip Your Mattress?
Replies: 7
Views: 2449

Re: In Need Of Advice

SanaRabbani ,

Oh dear!!
Had a look at your web-site! Full of naked women (skimpily dressed)!
Tauba! Tauba! "touching my ears"....... :shock:

I think both you and Anonymous have a lot of begging for forgiveness to do from Allah :cry:
by Jonkers
May 16, 2013
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: In need of advice
Replies: 13
Views: 5517

Re: When Do You Flip Your Mattress?

SanaRabbani wrote:I dont use mattress at all. straight wooden bed, with very think blanket on it.

So you too take good care of your back. Good.
by Jonkers
May 22, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: When Do You Flip Your Mattress?
Replies: 7
Views: 2449

Re: Parking Tickets Issued To Destroyed Cars

Judij wrote:Jonkers , ohhh really thanks you save my life
It was my pleasure :D
Judij wrote:r u really using ur brain or others?
You lost me there again!
malikmudassar wrote:You think she was worst than chinese ?
She is my favourite poster. Not everyone is equally adept at expressing themselves in a foreign language. I hope she continues to post here on DF!
by Jonkers
Jun 06, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Parking tickets issued to destroyed cars
Replies: 14
Views: 1982

Re: Jokes- Lets Share Them

A heart surgeon took his car to the mechanic. The mechanic said, "Doc, I fixed that car; I took its 'heart' out and repaired it, put it back in, and now it works perfectly. Yet I charge so little, and it costs an arm and a leg when you do your surgery on someone!" "Try fixing it with ...
by Jonkers
Jun 06, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Jokes- Lets share them
Replies: 9
Views: 1902

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