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Looking for a PR person to handle media relations

Hi all, We need a PR Person who would be willing to handle the PR for a upcoming project for us. Would have to ensure maximum exposure in Print media, FM slots Local events etc. Needs to have excellent relations with media people and confident of projecting the concept in a manner to ensure maximum ...
by Jeevan
Dec 17, 2005
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: Looking for a PR person to handle media relations
Replies: 5
Views: 3833

Wonder what would happen if a guy posts a same request

Was wondering what would happen if a guy posts a similar kind of request:) LOL.

Cannot give my opinion in this case as am new myself to this place and am letting it grow on me getting familiar, and somehow i like it, i have already started liking it here:)


by Jeevan
Dec 17, 2005
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: looking for nice friends....
Replies: 10
Views: 5211

Confused:) dunno much bout aisha, but hope shes well & you meet her soon:)
by Jeevan
Dec 17, 2005
Forum: Dubai Romance
Replies: 3
Views: 2503

Listening to Strings featuring John Abraham and sanjay dutt for OST Zinda a must hear for strings fans:) normally i listen to Enigma and buddha bar mostly into new age and world, at other times pink floyd:) whew!!.

by Jeevan
Dec 18, 2005
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: What are u listening to?
Replies: 190
Views: 39823

do NOT take air india, i have never had but i have heard horror stories. fly emirates or cathay pacific to mumbai and if its for work take buisness class trust me its worth it Right Said MaaaD, Indian Airlines and Air india charge you less as compared to cathay or emirates but the flights are late ...
by Jeevan
Dec 18, 2005
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Flight time to India
Replies: 7
Views: 2913

Hmm nothing heard anything about Al Khan area sorry..! BTW.. do you guys believe in things like super natural powers .. woodoo and stuff? Well I do.. Cause such things happen in India! . Hi easternjewel, Just would like to correct one thing here, voodoo doesnt happen in India , in India mostly its ...
by Jeevan
Dec 18, 2005
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Al Khan Dark curse of the Middle East
Replies: 28
Views: 11448


Hey people are there no PR people out there:) If someone does know about a person capable of handling such responsibilities please let me know.

Its urgent!!!!!

Thanks :)

by Jeevan
Dec 20, 2005
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: Looking for a PR person to handle media relations
Replies: 5
Views: 3833

Hi easternjewel,

Well, thanks for enlightening me:). did anyone have some experiences in Dubai? though i have never had one i do somewhat believe in a few things, so like to read about them.

Take care all,

by Jeevan
Dec 20, 2005
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Al Khan Dark curse of the Middle East
Replies: 28
Views: 11448

Hey all, Me thinks every place has its own set of problems, Dubai is making it big on the international arena so definately there will be a few problems here and there. But i guess one has to live with it. Competition - i agree the pay scales are not upto the mark i would say,but if you know what yo...
by Jeevan
Dec 27, 2005
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Dubai is not SAME for every1.. it sucks
Replies: 32
Views: 8264

Urgent Opening for PR and Media relations Executive

HI all, We have an urgent opening for PR and Media relations executive with our firm. The Job profile. 1 Writing press releases for dailies,weeklies and monthlies. 2.Ensuring ample covergae for the product in print media and FM slots. 3. Interviewing key personalities. 4. Contacting personalites in ...
by Jeevan
Dec 28, 2005
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: Urgent Opening for PR and Media relations Executive
Replies: 2
Views: 3498

No resolution is the best resolution!! :)
Will take life as it comes...
Happy new yr to all!!

by Jeevan
Dec 29, 2005
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: New Year Resolutions !!
Replies: 3
Views: 1582

I have a samsung D500 that does turn off and on once in a while for no apparent reason. and like fayz said you enter a closed space and the signal starts dwindling. But luckily it hasnt happend when i am on a call:).

By the way where can i get the firmware upgraded?


by Jeevan
Jan 03, 2006
Forum: Products and Services in Dubai
Topic: Samsyng phones that turn themselves off!
Replies: 4
Views: 2090


That was something!. though i am not a westerner all i can say is if u really love him look through all the people who make faces or give advice.:)

wishing you all the luck,

by Jeevan
Jan 03, 2006
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Disgruntled Dutch girl
Replies: 47
Views: 11165

No idea about the job scenario buddy but you sure can enjoy DSF in Jan.If you are looking for a job the whole year round is a good option.:). i was hunting during the month of Ramadan and the only difficult part was staying without water when outside. But i did find a good job finally. wishing you l...
by Jeevan
Jan 03, 2006
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: does any one here have an idea?
Replies: 1
Views: 1985


Hi all,

Am an avid reader, but i cannot find the source to get good books to read. Magrudys is an option but how many books can one keep on buying? are their any libraries in Dubai where you can get books to read for a monthly membership?


by Jeevan
Jan 03, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Libraries?
Replies: 12
Views: 4773

The first link is definately thought provoking,

Mindblowing stuff, felt a part of it:)

by Jeevan
Jan 03, 2006
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: An unusual take on Google...
Replies: 8
Views: 4016

Outlook problem

HI, Just wondering has anyone faced problems with outlook express on certain domains in Dubai? we use two domains here on one we always keep on facing problems sending mails, while on the other domain it works perfectly fine.It happens once in a while but then the websites hosted through it face pro...
by Jeevan
Jan 03, 2006
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: Outlook problem
Replies: 1
Views: 1986

How about starting a library on our own :) pool in the books you have so everyone can borrow and return them after reading.:).
Seems a far fetched idea but it just might work.

by Jeevan
Jan 04, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Libraries?
Replies: 12
Views: 4773

Hi Kelly, What is the exact error message you get when you try to log in? Is the error message same when you try to access your mail account and messenger? Does it happen all the time i mean from office? from home? or when you try to access it from a different computer? I mean ur sure your office do...
by Jeevan
Jan 04, 2006
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: Hotmail login hellllllppppppp
Replies: 8
Views: 3384

nice pics:)

by Jeevan
Jan 04, 2006
Forum: Dubai Guide and photos
Topic: Burj Al Arab @ night
Replies: 19
Views: 15114

:roll: :?: Am a bit confused if you run a multi million dollar business why do you need to work?


by Jeevan
Jan 07, 2006
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: wow bad boy
Replies: 13
Views: 4080

mes not aware of any in dubai , you have to pay to get them photocopied, but here mostly things work via email and fax, atleast for me that worked. i hardly had 10 photocopies with me when i came here.


by Jeevan
Jan 07, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Public copy machines?
Replies: 4
Views: 1770

Which is your all time favourite movie

Hey people, Since we have people from diverse cultures and different nationalities, would definately like to know which movie made a impact on you.:) Am taking a leap outta snipers book his posting on music gave me this idea:). For me my favourite movie has been schindlers list . and when i need to ...
by Jeevan
Jan 07, 2006
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: Which is your all time favourite movie
Replies: 70
Views: 18093

I mostly read fiction and if i can lay my hands on something about astronomy i jump at it.

Just finished reading From a Buick 8 by stephen King.

would be definately interested in a exchange forum:)


by Jeevan
Jan 07, 2006
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: BOOKS Review & Exchange
Replies: 92
Views: 37686

D-Unit wrote:
Am a bit confused if you run a multi million dollar business why do you need to work?

what who..where!!!!?????

me me me ...chose meeeeee

feipo get in line!

Hey its not me !!:) its Christiian though i have a business back home looked after by my family lol.

by Jeevan
Jan 08, 2006
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: wow bad boy
Replies: 13
Views: 4080

I doubt it, its etisalat who blocks all the sites, if you access net through other ISP it may be possible but the the incurred cost would go sky high.

Have you done it urself? i mean buy a PC from states and it has worked for you?


by Jeevan
Jan 08, 2006
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: blocking bypass
Replies: 2
Views: 2824

Software developer ( proficient in backend) for a AD agency

HI, We require a software developer who would be good at working on database structures using SQL or access or any other DBMS,RDBMS as per requirement. The work would be mostly for developing backends for webportals ensuring that the end result visible to the user is what the client requires. Remuna...
by Jeevan
Jan 08, 2006
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: Software developer ( proficient in backend) for a AD agency
Replies: 0
Views: 1595

dig this Ancient History Explained... A team of archaeologists found a slab of rock with 5 figures carved on it, in order: A Woman, A Donkey, A Shovel, A Fish, A Star of David. After months of study, the leader took the rock and went on a lecture tour. He said the carvings were thousands of years ol...
by Jeevan
Jan 09, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: The official jokes thread
Replies: 23
Views: 4296

I would put it this way, Love is not about loving someone perfect its about loving a imperfect person perfectly! It doesnt have to involve a boyfriend and girlfriend by default, it can be love for your mother, father, family, friends. But it does exist in some form or other in every human being.:) C...
by Jeevan
Jan 12, 2006
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Does love really exist or it is pure illusion??
Replies: 20
Views: 6199

I guess linda has answered most of the questions:).
There is UAE basketball association here and their contact number is

hope that helps.


by Jeevan
Jan 12, 2006
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: American moving to Dubai
Replies: 9
Views: 3779

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