im already workin on a car right now ... i was suggesting the master plan ... so all of us here on the forums who are intrested in doin this kindda stuff .. can get togather an get a car .. an just build it up togather u know wat i mean .... as far as the place goes i got this wearhouse turn'd garag...
if you dont wanna get hurt ... then use a woman like a 7up ... once u pop it an all the fizz is gone .. jst go get another ... but on the real dont get to attached .. and never ever show a girl that ur weak for her ... cause when u do thats when they start leavin .... i guess ur problem is you need ...
Is it worth dating in DUBAI, dating for long term relationship, i have heard that this is a place where commitment dosent exisit. the % of gold diggers seems exceedingly higer in Dubai than most places ive been.... and ive covered almost every corner. true .. very true.. in dubai its stupid .. you ...
ER= easy romance tips is wat i was giving hatin the playa aint gonna change the game but after bringin out the lighter side in me which one of these 3 would you lable me ... a playa , a lover or a fightER
You better put this in the jokes section before someone things this is really medical advice i dont think ppl are THAT DUMB to actully belive :lol: :lol: You will be surprised. It is not dumb but some people lack common sense :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: especially in dubai ... where u ...
well i guess most women take signs of love an care as weakness ... cause most do drift after u start showin them care an love ... but then wat would be the point of love if it wasnt for all the game's all the pain ... u know i guess we all need to go through all those levels of emotions .. we gotta ...