Jamal - Posts

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I aint looking for a Girl freind im just looking for a woman who i can call whenever im bored an get it on with her like that if u know what im saying so if any ladies out there who want to have the same kind of relationship jst let me know lets not call it a relationship jst a past time partnership...
by Jamal
Oct 14, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: I'm looking for a girlfriend in Dubai
Replies: 46
Views: 19336

YEAH . i mean right now i dont got time for a relationship an shit but my hormones is still raging so i gots to atleast settle my hormones down u know wat i mean. thats why for the time being im jst looking for a fcuk an thats it relationship comes later if i gots time. im sorry ladies but dats how ...
by Jamal
Nov 03, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: I'm looking for a girlfriend in Dubai
Replies: 46
Views: 19336

there is a 5% tax in the uae but u dont know about it its automatically charged onto you wat is not there is income tax there is no income tax in uae the only country in the world with 0% tax is Qatar.
by Jamal
Nov 03, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: taxes
Replies: 7
Views: 5154

ohhhh damnnn well then yeah there is a punishment if the husband does take the case to the police he will be looking at jail time i dont know how long but 100% sure there is jail time. but i dont think ur freind will go to jail cause the husband sounds like a fag i mean he catches him freaking his w...
by Jamal
Nov 03, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Dubai Law: Adultery?
Replies: 7
Views: 8453

Man are you sleeping gold smuggling is allover dubai more then any other city in the world all these lebannese fucks they smuggle alot of diamonds and gold from congo to places like here thats how they rich other wise how can a fake ass lebannese get rich and what about dawood ebrahim that fake ass ...
by Jamal
Nov 03, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Replies: 4
Views: 5369

I told you there is no income tax meaning that when u get ur salary there is no tax on that
but like the products u are buying from supermarkets an shops an stuff they got an automatic 5% tax on it.
by Jamal
Nov 03, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: taxes
Replies: 7
Views: 5154

GRE is some sort of GED or tofel or SAT some shit like that i think
some freaking foundation course for dump mutha fuckers like you who dont know wat it stands for :lol: :wink:
by Jamal
Nov 03, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: GRE study group
Replies: 2
Views: 3390

Yeah baby you have found that other person in dubai who has got a brain i mean these niggas down here dont know nothing even me i wanna talk about shakespear and hmmm piccasso and van gough bout how there delecate stokes with the paint brush changes my way of life an ahhhh the naustaligia hahaha. an...
by Jamal
Nov 03, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Spinoza * Descartes * Borges * Rand: Anyone?
Replies: 11
Views: 5607

you gotta be from the streets to know wats going down in the streets
U FEEL ME hmmm baby
by Jamal
Nov 03, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Replies: 4
Views: 5369

nahhh man aint no law u can kill em infact u can kill dat kid named COOL who posted the reply for being freinds with such a fag too. word and by the way if there is any women that is married an they aint being satisfied enough jst know u all gots to holla at me an not cools freind cause i aint dumb ...
by Jamal
Nov 03, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Dubai Law: Adultery?
Replies: 7
Views: 8453

no actually on the pirated DVD there a strict tax of a 100% cause i remember i use to by them for 5 dhs only but now they be selling it for 10 Dhs so thats like a 100% tax right there u know wat i mean. damnn im mean all these tax paying is getting to me cause im working to pay taxes that feeds the ...
by Jamal
Nov 03, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: taxes
Replies: 7
Views: 5154

ohh common baby girl you know i was just faking ofcourse i dont want to hurt an angel's feeling i was just jokin around but if u took it seriously then i apologise if my words disturbed u hope u accept my apologies and if u wanna argue about some topics an thangs an talk about some books an stuff we...
by Jamal
Nov 05, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Spinoza * Descartes * Borges * Rand: Anyone?
Replies: 11
Views: 5607

Yo waz up bro
me, you wanna know where I be from

Well im an international playa with a passport for allover the world but jst laying my claim down arbian style cause u know i be known as the beast from the middle east. haha u feel me 8)

anyways where u from bro wats ur name

by Jamal
Nov 11, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: yo jamal
Replies: 5
Views: 4219

me I work an chill man

wat bout you

and wat brings u to dubai forums you use to live here before or something
by Jamal
Nov 12, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: yo jamal
Replies: 5
Views: 4219

well man you should go down to Nasser square in dubai you got the chinnese bazaar right there it would make you feel right home and ohh yeah if you want to know more places to go to you gots to first promise me that you will hook me up with them fake dvds you chinnese deal in ( for free that is ) ai...
by Jamal
Nov 17, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: travel
Replies: 1
Views: 2459

hahaha ISH man wat the fcuk can i say well ill tell you one word boy ( JOHNNY ) you an i both know wat dat means son .

so go on an clean the fields mutha fcuk.
by Jamal
Nov 18, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: yo jamal
Replies: 5
Views: 4219

i would suggest marco polo hotel if u wanna stay somwhere in deira its a nice hotel with a reasonable rate
by Jamal
Nov 20, 2003
Forum: Accommodation in Dubai
Topic: Dubai Hotels
Replies: 4
Views: 6788

Mother lover please if you so well reputed and sole agent an all that + + shit was talking about you wouldnt be advertising you brand so cheaply on this forum so why dont you contact me mutha lover and give me some of your products as samples an let me advertise your princess ass aight . and for any...
by Jamal
Nov 20, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Replies: 1
Views: 2644

there are two libraries that i can remember right now one is located in sharjah on al khan road right after the expo while you are heading to al khan beach i forgot the name but if you driving by there an look on your left side youll see it. and the second one is located in jasmine building complex ...
by Jamal
Nov 20, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: New to dubai, looking for friends
Replies: 23
Views: 10642

well i dont bout any terrorist attacks that might take place soon down here but one thing i know for sure is Dubai police could not have foiled a single terrorist attack up in here man shit look at the police force they all freaking stupid mutha fuckers i mean they cant even stop the god damn prosti...
by Jamal
Nov 20, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Is Dubai Safe After Those Al Qaeda Attacks in Saudi?
Replies: 5
Views: 4795


ISH THA DON Guest Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 9:46 pm Post subject: MY GAME IS DEEP IN POETRY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAHAHHAHAHA KNOWLEDGE FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Since the last time you saw me on T.V. blazing mc's My life turned around did a hundred e...
by Jamal
Nov 27, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Replies: 1
Views: 2684

THIS WHOLE SHIIIIT MAKE'S ME WANNA PUKE BIG TIC J, ISH U CAN CALL ME DUKE........ I spit verses similar to curses Have nurses closin' up the curtains Callin' up surgeons, hookin' ya body up to circuits But ya condition just worsens to the point ya lungs and ya heart stop workin' 'Til ya carried off...
by Jamal
Nov 27, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Replies: 1
Views: 2684

yo Ricardo Just wanna ask you do you got a sister or something if you do an you bring her along with you then you can sleep on my couch while i get it on with her if you cool with that let me know aight we can arrange something an you can come sleep over my place but only with your sister waiting fo...
by Jamal
Nov 27, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: For real football lovers!
Replies: 1
Views: 2619

yo Ricardo Just wanna ask you do you got a sister or something if you do an you bring her along with you then you can sleep on my couch while i get it on with her if you cool with that let me know aight we can arrange something an you can come sleep over my place but only with your sister waiting fo...
by Jamal
Nov 27, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: New to dubai, looking for friends
Replies: 23
Views: 10642

hey baby waz up
well honesty an good looks that wat u looking for hmmm well i got em both an if u wanna get to know me more just let me know
take care sweety
by Jamal
Dec 01, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Looking for a man...
Replies: 5
Views: 3824

haha well im just filling them in with the info

nahh didnt hear anything bout it what happen?
by Jamal
Dec 01, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Is Dubai Safe After Those Al Qaeda Attacks in Saudi?
Replies: 5
Views: 4795

thats why i always say dubai is just a freaking rip off
by Jamal
Dec 01, 2003
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Wild wadi
Replies: 4
Views: 4064

Last year you could enter the dubai airshow but you had to buy the ticket which was for 100dhs i dont know if they got that this year

but i mean why u wanna come down all the way to dubai to watch an airshow when i hear france got the biggest airshow in the world
by Jamal
Dec 08, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Dubai Air Show 2003
Replies: 7
Views: 4846

the best time would be like april or something like that
cause it aint that crowded well according to my experince
an all the fine ass hot women will be coming back out after the so called cold season of UAE to work on there lickable TAN's again

u get me
by Jamal
Dec 08, 2003
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Wild wadi
Replies: 4
Views: 4064

I like the desert tour idea thats a really good one an the rap battel thats even better we can start it up on the net then like put a concert too you know just like how they have these DJ wars an shit we can have rap battels which obviously it aint gonna be much of a battle cause aint no one can tou...
by Jamal
Dec 08, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Have to be more popular!!!
Replies: 16
Views: 9341

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