What islam needs is not more quantity but more quality Well, if i would take this with good intentions and i will.. then what you said is just true.. That Applies for anything in this universe.. right? But even in science ( im not going to go thru the spiritual approch now) in order to quantify qua...
Well.. maybe thats why a man-woman relationship souldnt start until and unless there is a commitment (Official) at the very beginning.. in most of the cases... thats to protect the woman and the kids... I know that sounds hard.. but its better for women than going thru nervous breakdowns, being dump...
Are you talking about getting married without a courtship and love relationship? That is an illusion. Having an official marriage certificate and then trying to make a relationship work between two people who aren't in love doesn't mean the relationship will be a good one that protects children. I ...
I officially suck at bowling, but I still had fun! :lol: Wahahaha Kaneli... How is ur back doing today? hope its better. Sorry guys but i had to leave yesterday.. it was a ltl urgent.. And constantine, no Team switching :lol: :lol: it was really good to see u all again and to meet all the new guys ...
This journey to School starts in Hebron/ Palestine the children starting their day going to school to be faced with a checkpoint: http://www.arab7.com/up/file/1147506078921.jpg http://www.arab7.com/up/file/1147506102669.jpg http://www.arab7.com/up/file/1147506117233.jpg http://www.arab7.com/up/file...
This Kid invented a bomb which is as small as a stone and as powerful as a rocket and it also could give him the courage to stand in front of a tank alone... by the way his name is Faris Odeh
Lets just put things in perspective with regard to the child in front the tank picture 1/, where is his parents? 2/ why is a child stood in the road in front of a tank? 3/ why is a child throwing a stone at the tank? 4/ what lesson and who did he learn the lesson from, to make him want to throw a s...
This is a very sad comment on society as a whole. The fact that a boy of this age was not able to be controlled by his parents or his school and insisted on playing truant to be a member of a mob rather than achieve a life and an education. They say the real soldiers are those who fight with the mi...
Israeli Jew Kills American Girl with Bulldozer A tribute to Rachel Corrie And a call for an end to U.S. backing for Israel http://jabpage.org/images/rachel4.jpg http://jabpage.org/images/rachel.jpg http://jabpage.org/images/corrie2.jpg http://jabpage.org/images/corrie9.jpg (Israel has used a part of...
Well .. thats true..its not the arabs.. its the localized locals.. for most of us.. its not easy to tell who is the local and the one who got localized. for some of us.. you could identify him on the spot.. Origianl locals are normally modest and nice people.. and such people are rarely on the stree...
You don`t understand it cuz you underestimate the role of faith & religion. It`s common for Westerns. For a moslem person, religion penetrate into all the spheres of life, pattern all from outside. Islam has a meaning of devotion to God, & the role of love relationships & of any other t...
I think that is a better choice for an Arabic woman to marry an western man that an western woman to marry an Arabic man. As I know the Arabic men treat women like a second hand people! Well.. with all respect .. you are soooo wrong. maybe that applies on a case out of 10,000 case.. but i have seen...
raidah wrote:well, lots of europeans beat their wifes to death...u don t need to be an arab for that. so its the person not the nation that decides ones character.
The topic here is a moslem woman & non moslem man that is forbidden but not the reverse /a moslem man & non muslim woman/, & it`s not about being socialized with ppl of other religions & being nice & kind to them. GoodBai, Intimacy I didn`t get where I`m wrong. Religion & th...
Good people and bad people are all over in the world. But I meant to say that Arabic women have a second hand statue in Arabic world. As an example, if a family have visitors the woman goes to kitchen. There are a lot of this negative examples! I can give you lots of negative examples about women o...
Dear Bro Shaf, You always just give me that great charming senation bro.. you are always a great source of info.. i would like kind to draw your attention to this verse in Quran: Chapter 6, verses: [36] Those who listen (in truth), be sure, will accept: as to the dead, Allah will raise them up; then...
Thats right. What am talking about has nothing to do with the judgment. but what i am trying to say that our concept about animals should be a ltl different. Allah used every word in Quran for it self precisely... no simlier word could fit in that place but that word.. thats why when he used the wor...
Well... No Comments. The MI7 is something doesnt exist officially in the UK.. i am saying "officially" By the way.. The Mossad are active in places like Iran and Iraq since the 1970 and and end of 1960s .. they had even an office in iran during the Shah's time. in Iraq Qurds did cooporate ...
Thanks for the honest question. To start the answer of this, let me please illustrate some points and definitions for the sake of having solid bases for the discussions. I will try here to be straight forward, so please don’t consider this as flaming. Judaism and Christians say: Chapter 9, verses: [...
it means that there r things that r just not for the masses, because they would simply not understand it. You have touched a treasure :) in other words the bible is a code and we don t know the most of it. I think its better to put it this way, that such religious books were meant to be for the mas...