ImadBz - Posts

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Nicest/most romantic places in Dubai

What are, according to you, the most romantic places (bar/restaurant/others) to bring your wife/girl friend in Dubai, regardless of the price?
by ImadBz
Dec 21, 2011
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Nicest/most romantic places in Dubai
Replies: 3
Views: 7731

Looking for a 2 bedrooms appartment

in Marina or Downtown
- sea view if in Marina, or Burj view if in Dowtown
- Squash court if possible
- high floor
- non furnished
- 120kAED / y budget
- easy access

thanks for your help!
by ImadBz
Dec 21, 2011
Forum: Accommodation Wanted
Topic: Looking for a 2 bedrooms appartment
Replies: 3
Views: 5884

Car dealers recommandations


Could you share with us the dealers from who you bought your cars, and your recommandations concerning that?
by ImadBz
Dec 21, 2011
Forum: Dubai Auto
Topic: Car dealers recommandations
Replies: 0
Views: 2492

Emirates Hospital - Feedback

Hey all, Just a quick -very negative- feedback on Emirates Hospital (Marina & Jumeirah branches): - My wife went there for a simple check up - the gynecologist in charge did a Biopsy (with no special reason) and a whole bunch of analysis, explaining that it was mandatory to prevent any kind of p...
by ImadBz
Oct 03, 2012
Forum: Health and Medicine in Dubai
Topic: Emirates Hospital - Feedback
Replies: 4
Views: 3837

Cruise for 16th on the 18.12 to sell - URGENT

Selling a cruise of 4 hours booked with Seven Seas Cruise / Groupon on the 18th of December, from 10:00pm to 2:00am. Yacht for 16 people Catering on board possible, music... ideal for a party/birthday etc Let me know if interested and send me your firm bids by email (! Price negoti...
by ImadBz
Dec 12, 2012
Forum: Tickets for sale in Dubai
Topic: Cruise for 16th on the 18.12 to sell - URGENT
Replies: 1
Views: 3537

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