Ibs - Posts

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Hi, I'm quite confused about the degree attestation. I've been working for a company here for almost 9 months, and yes, they asked me for my degree when they hired me but at any time they asked to have it attested. I have my labour card and residence visa. May it be because I'm working in a freezone...
by Ibs
Oct 14, 2008
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: need advise...
Replies: 14
Views: 4840

Well, certainly buy a villa in Ibiza is expensive... Although you can get very good money in summer you have to consider that this is going to be only about 4 months a year (very few turists in winter). On the other hand, there the business is to rent per day and that means you having someone or a c...
by Ibs
Jan 24, 2009
Forum: Travel Around
Topic: Buying in Ibiza, Baleric Islands
Replies: 4
Views: 3634

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