IbnBattuta - Posts

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Chemistry yes. decent geography and no history helps too...
by IbnBattuta
Nov 28, 2007
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Chemical Attraction
Replies: 14
Views: 5862

u must be kidding. its all about smell.

I guess my pet rocky also thinks the same...
by IbnBattuta
Nov 28, 2007
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Chemical Attraction
Replies: 14
Views: 5862

Probably because there is more than 2 males to 1 female in the UAE while the rest of the world has ratio of approx 1:1 ????????????? ie, population of males is more than double the population of females. think from women's perspective... romance is there even in your scenario... glass is half full
by IbnBattuta
Nov 28, 2007
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Why is there No Romance in Dubai?
Replies: 21
Views: 9517

so I would love to make new friends, both males and females.


so I would make love to new friends, both males and females.
by IbnBattuta
Nov 28, 2007
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: delete
Replies: 26
Views: 10314

I had a great service at my last place but have forgotten the name of the company. Started with H i think and the paperwork was blue.

Anyone know who is was?

Any reccommendations?

you sure are smoking
by IbnBattuta
Nov 28, 2007
Forum: Products and Services in Dubai
Topic: Maid Service needed
Replies: 1
Views: 2602

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