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Re: Advise Needed

Hello, I have been hovering over this for while and am surprised that not one prson has told you, that having a child/being pregnant whilst not married in the UAE is illegal. If you are found out, you WILL go to jail! You must either get married or leave the country asap. You don't state where your ...
by Honeybeez
Jun 26, 2013
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Advise needed
Replies: 4
Views: 3218

Re: Adultery

Hello. I'm sorry for your situation, but do you not think the first course of action would be to actually talk to your wife? Potentially destroying the lives of two people, ending their careers, seeing the mother of your son go to prison and then deported? Would you really wish that? Also given that...
by Honeybeez
Oct 16, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Adultery
Replies: 10
Views: 4411

Re: Flashlight & Survival Kit?

Hello, Try Adventure HQ in Times Square, they do medi-kits and that sort of thing. Also try Tactical Trading on Shk Zayed Road.
by Honeybeez
Oct 17, 2013
Forum: Products and Services in Dubai
Topic: Flashlight & Survival Kit?
Replies: 5
Views: 3425

Re: Dubai Visiting Visa

Only certain nationalities are required to do this. Unless you come from one of the 33 countries, who are allowed visas on arrival, then yes, documentation and pre-visa applications, deposits are required to be made.
by Honeybeez
Oct 18, 2013
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: dubai visiting visa
Replies: 4
Views: 3125

Re: Employee Filing Case In Labour Court

Not sure that your agreement is technically legal, so you could very well come unstuck over it. As the business owner YOU should be able to just cancel his visa - he doesn't have to do it. I would suggest getting advice from MOL and immigration regarding this.
by Honeybeez
Aug 30, 2014
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: Employee filing case in Labour court
Replies: 3
Views: 3478

Re: Employee Filing Case In Labour Court

Yuo probably need to contact the Fujairah office then and discuss it with them.
by Honeybeez
Sep 01, 2014
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: Employee filing case in Labour court
Replies: 3
Views: 3478

Re: If I A Friend Visit Me Can He Drive My Car Legally

This is a major grey area, as some insurance companies will tell you it's ok, BUT if you ask the police, they will say absolutely NOT! Only residents, with a visa and a UAE license can drive a private car. You friend must get an international license and hire a car. He is not legally allowed to driv...
by Honeybeez
Sep 02, 2014
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: If i a friend visit me can he drive my car legally
Replies: 8
Views: 5724

Re: Briton Vows To Become First Female To Behead Westerners.

Well, all these 'Brits' who left the country to wage Jihad on others way of life, should have their citizenship revoked, be charged with treason, because they are traitors and given the death penalty! I feel so sorry for the families of these people, who must wonder what on earth they did wrong. The...
by Honeybeez
Sep 02, 2014
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Briton vows to become first female to behead Westerners...
Replies: 2
Views: 3099

Re: If I A Friend Visit Me Can He Drive My Car Legally

They 'used' to offer temporary drivers licenses, but they stopped that a long time ago. I think you'll find the answer is still no.
by Honeybeez
Sep 04, 2014
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: If i a friend visit me can he drive my car legally
Replies: 8
Views: 5724

Re: Seeking Legal Advice

Sadly, this is why you don't EVER put your passport in for anyone. The reasons your friends were in trouble have now fallen on your shoulders. Unless you find the bail money or fine money to pay it off, the authorities will continue to hold your passport. You need to find a decent lawyer who can hel...
by Honeybeez
Sep 04, 2014
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Seeking legal advice
Replies: 5
Views: 3820

Re: Car Loan

Well, the first step is to actually decide what car you want, as many dealers have their preferred banks and the dealer organises the loan for you with the bank.
by Honeybeez
Sep 04, 2014
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Minimum gross salary to get a car loan in Dubai?
Replies: 7
Views: 3757

Re: Where Is This In UAE?

Your image doesn't show.
by Honeybeez
Jan 16, 2015
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Where is this in UAE?
Replies: 2
Views: 1922

Re: Charges Against Employee Working Without Labour Card

Sadly she doesn't have a leg to stand on! If the company didn't issue her a labour card, she will be seen as illegal. She should have stopped working for them immediately. No much you can do in this case. The company won't give her anything.
by Honeybeez
Jan 16, 2015
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: charges against employee working without Labour card
Replies: 1
Views: 1825

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