HazemZahran - Posts

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If this job still available, please contact me at this email add. hazemzahran@hotmail.com

Thanks and have a nice day!

by HazemZahran
Oct 28, 2004
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: Job offer
Replies: 1
Views: 4390

I'm looking for a god chance in Dubai..

My name is Hazem, live in Cairo/Egypt, i work as an Inventory Controller for a highly reputed organization in Egypt, but i'm looking for a good chance to move and work in Dubai...I'm holding a BA in English literature, have professional certificates in Translation, and my experience is mainly about ...
by HazemZahran
Oct 28, 2004
Forum: Dubai Job Wanted
Topic: I'm looking for a god chance in Dubai..
Replies: 0
Views: 1790

Can you please provide me with an email address to which i can send my CV to be considered?? I live in Cairo/Egypt and i think it'll be more fatser and convinient to send it my mail..

by HazemZahran
Oct 28, 2004
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: Sales Manager/Sales Officers /Full or Part-time Sales Agents
Replies: 8
Views: 7474

1 Dubai Jobs .com The First Place to Find a Job in Dubai

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