arniegang wrote:what a cheerful post NOT
alexandra wrote: HP dear, that means i should expect u will ask me to marry u in the next 19 years????
the_zooter wrote:I think I might put in a counter offer!!
What do you say Alexandra?? Me and you - off into the sunset together??
the_zooter wrote:Liban wrote:OK thx.
In return Liban (or anyone), can I ask a question?
In my ignorance ( ), I don't know why you don't eat the pig. What is the reason for that?
easternjewel wrote:HP wrote:congratulation for having new sun glasses , how is weather in Dubai ?
Not very pleasent Hp
easternjewel wrote:I can't
I m allergic to Hp
raidah wrote::shock:
do i look like some phone company???
sorry hun, i know nothing more about her than u do
raidah wrote:aaaaaaawwwww
all guys from denmark r tall, dark(expecially dark ) and handsome
now u had ur share of glory for today, get me in the fight club!!
easternjewel wrote:alexandra wrote:but i think he's a nice guy after all! oooooooohhhhhhhhh God did i really say that?????
You have committed a sin my friend!! Now get ready to face the (hp) consequences.