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Telecommunciation and E-Business master(s)

Anyone can inform me what is the way to get in a company; I have one master in telecommunication and second master in E-Business from Denmark. Any suggestion, recommendation or help would be appreciated. I can work in telecommunication ( GSM , GPRS , fixed network , mobile network ........etc) or I...
by HP
Sep 01, 2005
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: Telecommunciation and E-Business master(s)
Replies: 42
Views: 15500


I was in Dubai this summer and I was offered job as “ telecom business develop manager “ by a company. It was small company , which had few people working in it. So called CEO didn’t tell me first but after couple of days “ that you shuld work like 12 or 14 hours everyday” . I told him simply I can...
by HP
Sep 01, 2005
Forum: Dubai Job Wanted
Replies: 5
Views: 3185

Re: sheiks

My family friends have been living in Dubai for about 2 months. I say that they love Dubai... but the only main thing they dislike are the sheiks. The sheiks, they say, can get away from practically anything. My family has bought a apartment in Dubai in the marina scape buildings, by the way. Anywa...
by HP
Sep 01, 2005
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: sheiks
Replies: 80
Views: 44496

wow HP. think you might need to tame your views, or you won't be too highly regarded around these parts. :? tame my views concerning sheikh? or about arabs from other countries? may be you have good experience but i generally consider them rude and manner less ppl !!You have 100% right to disagree ...
by HP
Sep 01, 2005
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: sheiks
Replies: 80
Views: 44496

Re: British-Asian - Is Dubai racist?

I am currently in the process of interviewing for a job in Dubai. The job is with a Asia-Pacifc company and wanted to know about racism in Duabi. I am a British-Asian (dark skinned) and will join the new company as an Associate Director. I will be meeting very very senior executives (all nationalit...
by HP
Sep 01, 2005
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: British-Asian - Is Dubai racist?
Replies: 11
Views: 10512

HP, I seriously think you should rephrase your words next time you post. You are on a Dubai forum and there are many arabs on this forum, myself included. I am not a UAE local though. The only person that is rude here is you with your racist comment. Also you are a major $eXist when you blabber abo...
by HP
Sep 01, 2005
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: sheiks
Replies: 80
Views: 44496

Who that’s great, I use to run the billing department for AT&T Canada before we got bought out, I took my stocks and now own a telecommunications company in Dubai doing consultancy work. Everything from implementing complex e-sites, integrated billing applications including SAP, Designing local ...
by HP
Sep 01, 2005
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: Telecommunciation and E-Business master(s)
Replies: 42
Views: 15500

Re: jobs through jobsindubaui.com

Hi there are few sites like jobsindubai.com ,moster-resumes.com ,who are getting arround 70-80$ from you and they ensure that they will get you the jobs ,i am curious are they REAL ? is it some fraud ? does it really works ? if any one have some experience regarding them please do share .. thanks J...
by HP
Sep 02, 2005
Forum: Dubai Black list
Topic: jobs through jobsindubaui.com
Replies: 28
Views: 25485


He pointed to an Indian and arab guy and informed me they even sleep in the other part of office and work on very less money …………. I don’t know if we call it stupidity or curse to poverty………but that is forcing an employer to exploit employees. well wish u best of luck ........................ Oh so...
by HP
Sep 02, 2005
Forum: Dubai Job Wanted
Replies: 5
Views: 3185

Libnan I've just sent you a PM, look forward to meeting with you when you are in this region. HP Please make sure to add attention to detail as one of your skills and for fun you may wish to re-read the message you responded to. Best of luck in your job hunt. hmmm i asked for the URL of your compan...
by HP
Sep 02, 2005
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: Telecommunciation and E-Business master(s)
Replies: 42
Views: 15500

Re: I'm looking for My Prince!!!

I'm blond, young, gorgeous lady of 26, live and work in Dubai. Still looking and waiting for My Prince, who can fulfill all my dreams and simply love me!!!! Write me wherever you are and you will not regeret!!! Your Princess. what else someone expect from a Blonde :P Prince !! what abour Suadi prin...
by HP
Sep 02, 2005
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: I'm looking for My Prince!!!
Replies: 62
Views: 17475

Hi5 in Dubai!! blocked

i was unable to open this site while my stay in Dubai? i contacted with concerning department and they told me that it mismatch with our culture. I asked if “consumption of alcohol, prostitution in Dubai, disco, clubs match then what’s da problem in Hi5? i never got response after that!! Just wonde...
by HP
Sep 02, 2005
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Hi5 in Dubai!! blocked
Replies: 13
Views: 6591

Keep being sarcastic and you might find all kinds of doors closing on you... Good luck HP.... And trust me, calling yourself HP will not land you a job in HP.. I have seen to that!!! hahaha man u r jst making me laugh!! Someone bragged about his company and you started touching his feet ;0) thats y...
by HP
Sep 02, 2005
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: Telecommunciation and E-Business master(s)
Replies: 42
Views: 15500

i am sleepy and i shuld go , i wasted quite lot of time in here . Tomorrow i ll apply for jobs hehehe i hate these HR people , they dont get job and at the end they make their career as HR manager and then decide the fate of ppl like us :) have a nice dreams !! appology if i said something which yo...
by HP
Sep 02, 2005
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: Telecommunciation and E-Business master(s)
Replies: 42
Views: 15500

You make very little sense.... No! Scratch that!! You make absolutly no sense at all.... Go take a couple of English courses, then take some behavioral adjustement courses, then some attitude adjustment lessons, then to top it off go sky diving and leave the parachute on the plane... relax angry ch...
by HP
Sep 03, 2005
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: Telecommunciation and E-Business master(s)
Replies: 42
Views: 15500

a new MNC Operator is going to start its operation from mid or at the end of 2006!!! well i think the new operator is going to deploy 3G network ....................... Competition always goes in the benefit of consumers. I think in order to provide cheap ADSL connection; they should bring more lib...
by HP
Sep 03, 2005
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Does Etisalat need competition?
Replies: 9
Views: 2922

Whatever you say little one... anyhow lets talk something else !!Although it is habit of muslims countries to fight wid each other , but for the sake of this forum , lets say that you have won and i have lost :0) tell me what do you in Canada? just wondering why do u not perfer to go in US? what so...
by HP
Sep 03, 2005
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: Telecommunciation and E-Business master(s)
Replies: 42
Views: 15500

I am the VP of Financial Services at IBM Corporation. I would not go to the States because it's social fabric has degraded to the point of no return. I have a Canadian education from Canada's foremost university. I have a PhD in Financial Modelling and Regression Theory. what do we call in arabic ....
by HP
Sep 03, 2005
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: Telecommunciation and E-Business master(s)
Replies: 42
Views: 15500

Re: Hurricane Katrina

when someone ask from G.W.Bush , so many ppl r dying in Iraq , he used to answer "

there are few deaths and injuries but its not that serious ...........

i am sure he must be saying same for US! I am sure he would blame to osama ben laden for this mishap.........
by HP
Sep 03, 2005
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Hurricane Katrina
Replies: 35
Views: 7467

Liban wrote::D

your friend didnt provide me the URL of his company otherwise i was thinking to work for his company hehehe .
by HP
Sep 03, 2005
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: Telecommunciation and E-Business master(s)
Replies: 42
Views: 15500

My friend I didn’t give you my website address because I was curious to see how much initiative/drive you had. initative and drive to search you? or your company? I wish your name was " Bill Gate" or "lopez" ;0) . I am not in my teen to solve the riddle, or who is who and what is what ;0) Any one w...
by HP
Sep 03, 2005
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: Telecommunciation and E-Business master(s)
Replies: 42
Views: 15500

Fayz habibi, don't even bother anymore with this guy... He doesn't even recall what he said a few posts back and flip flops more than anyone in history. I pity him.. for example ? i think you are trying to score some points to win the heart of fyaz habibi :oops: The guy thinks he has a double maste...
by HP
Sep 04, 2005
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: Telecommunciation and E-Business master(s)
Replies: 42
Views: 15500

BobbieMasoner wrote:fair enough

Fair enough how come ;0) illustrate it ……………when someone run short of sentences then he or she comes up with childish remarks like you :0) .


i am so stupid? Can you prove it !!! why do you not attend " anger management " course?
by HP
Sep 04, 2005
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: Telecommunciation and E-Business master(s)
Replies: 42
Views: 15500

Libon i am so stupid? Can you prove it !!! why do you not attend " anger management " course? Proof: You can't even write my name down right even though the right spelling is in front of you... i was saying "libon" wid luv :oops: you can be lawyer :P Can you provide some insight about finding jobs ...
by HP
Sep 04, 2005
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: Telecommunciation and E-Business master(s)
Replies: 42
Views: 15500

Re: Etisalat Speed

I’m probably going to jinx this by posting but has anyone else noticed a noticeable increase in their internet performance? I got an email from Etisalat saying all Al Shamil customers have been upgraded to the next level. I’m definitely not getting the 1mb speeds that I should if this holds true bu...
by HP
Sep 04, 2005
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Etisalat Speed
Replies: 7
Views: 2381

Pumpkin Escobar wrote:I do commercial and military PBX and VoIP.

Do you work for PBX service provider? If so may I ask the name?
by HP
Sep 05, 2005
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: Telecommunciation and E-Business master(s)
Replies: 42
Views: 15500

Re: Alcohol

Pumpkin Escobar wrote:Can I still get alcohol at Spinny's during Ramadan, or do I need to stock up?

Usually in Ramaden , we become Muslim for one month ;0) !! why are you not fasting with us during Ramadan? No alcohol , No gals, no cheating ,jst a sweet man ;0).

by HP
Sep 05, 2005
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Alcohol
Replies: 37
Views: 8698

Liban wrote:
HP wrote:
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:I do commercial and military PBX and VoIP.

Do you work for PBX service provider? If so may I ask the name?

Fcuk off HP Limited....

Prove with linguistic behavior that you were brought up in decent surrounding !!! :o
by HP
Sep 06, 2005
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: Telecommunciation and E-Business master(s)
Replies: 42
Views: 15500

Re: Alcohol

You don't know squat about Islam you moron... In Islam we are not to force non-Muslims to perform the fast... Only we ask that they refrain from eating in front of those who are fasting out of respect. I was jst kidding with the author of the post. I never said it was quoted in Islam . I wanted to ...
by HP
Sep 06, 2005
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Alcohol
Replies: 37
Views: 8698

Liban, if you want him to be 'neglected', stop replying to his posts :wink: Bobbie my lost love :0) why are you depriving me from having fun decent Liban :P !! He can not ignore me ,I always press the right buttons and then he jumps like monkey . Liban !! Do you have good feeling for me :oops: Can ...
by HP
Sep 06, 2005
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: Telecommunciation and E-Business master(s)
Replies: 42
Views: 15500

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