I agree he was a musical genius, BUT he is also WELL KNOWN for pedophilia. Whether you like it or not.
He went all the way to court and was aquitted. They interviewed the jury afterwards and they all thought he was guilty, but not enough specific evidence.
Listen to Sharp, he studied and now making the money. That is the way to do it. I understood everything he wrote....except until the "you look cute part". What the heck was that man? I went to Uni too. I'll give you a hint as to which one...the mascot were "bulldogs". Dont be a f...
Its a renters market. What this means is that you can bargain with them and get all the fees out of your end of the contract so you dont have to pay for them. In fact, just walk away from the deal if you dont like it, they will freak out and make it better for you. for example, you can get free park...
I like that word Tit, sounds good to me. As for the Jews, well, like Red Chief said, they stick together. Look at Israel, still building settlements and carrying on and no in-fighting within the country regarding the blatant disregard of US and UN policy and the Camp David Accord of no new settlemen...
Its ok for you to post your crazy political pics here, but if you ever get mistaken for being involved in any type of terrorism and they get your hard drive, your a dead man. They aint never going to leave you alone.
Yen is not as closely pegged to the US dollar as the Gulf Currencies. That is the big problem with this arab, he thinks that by supporting arab only monetary policy and putting down US, he will come out on top, when in fact, he will get financially ruined way before any American does. If I had to pi...
@Raidah: If I knew you better, I'd marry! You read my mind and your experience and feelings describe mine, and that of many others. I just can't believe the craziness that is experienced on a daily basis. From my work the other night: The setting: City Hospital, packed emergency room, back in the co...
When I go to the supermarket, I just ram my shopping cart "accidentally" into a girl's and BINGO, "How you doin'...?" No seriously, the club ain't the place to be, you need to be in the hospital. Yup!! You read it correctly. The hospital works. You have your choice of: 1. Trainin...
@Speedhump: TY. Wow you can't believe how much I pay for insurance, you could get a small car with that amount!! My spelling, Guardasil, was a small change in the true name of a new vaccine for women called Gardasil. This is the correct treatment for HPV, Human Papilloma Virus. HPV comes in many fla...