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Passport not returned even after given the court order

I filed a complaint against my employer for not cancelling my visa despite my formal resignation. The case is already in the MOL and they gave me a chance to work while the case is ongoing. But my problem is I can't be able to work without cancelling my visa because my employer is holding my passpor...
by Getup
Sep 15, 2013
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Passport not returned even after given the court order
Replies: 5
Views: 8091

Re: Passport Not Returned Even After Given The Court Order

Hi Judij, Thank you very much for your response. Luckily my new employer still awaits me. And they are a lot better. The police once again tried to get my passport, at the end my employer told that they lost it and instead filed for my new passport in the Ministry of Interior. This act of my employe...
by Getup
Sep 20, 2013
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Passport not returned even after given the court order
Replies: 5
Views: 8091

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