Gamesmaster - Posts

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Hi Beast, A group of us meet on Thursday nights at the Rydges Plaza from 6.30pm to midnight in Satwa to play Magic the gathering and in fact have a release tournament this week for the new set of Lorwyn. If you or anyone else are interested to meet us and possibly join in then drop me an email for d...
by Gamesmaster
Oct 08, 2007
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Anyone in Dubai into trading card games or board games?
Replies: 4
Views: 3298

Settlement calculations - help!

I have recently left my employment of the last 5 years and 4 months and are having a bit of a battle with my previous company over the amount of settlement due for this part year. From what they have sent me it says "I'm entitled to 21 days remunerating for each year of the first 5 years of ser...
by Gamesmaster
Nov 14, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Settlement calculations - help!
Replies: 3
Views: 3565

Thank you
by Gamesmaster
Nov 14, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Settlement calculations - help!
Replies: 3
Views: 3565

Thank you
by Gamesmaster
Nov 14, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Settlement calculations - help!
Replies: 3
Views: 3565

Magic the Gathering in Dubai

The original and best collectable card game is available in Dubai with the full support of the DCI (governing body) We regularly meet in a private room at a respectable hotel in Dubai from 6pm till 12 midnight on Thursdays where we partake of a beverage or two while we play and generally have a good...
by Gamesmaster
Nov 26, 2007
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: Magic the Gathering in Dubai
Replies: 1
Views: 2994

Have these people no shame or sense of diginity

Before I begin I will apologize to those of you that this may offend but we do not really know what else to do as the situation is becoming intolerable. It is indeed a sad day when a mother or female relative can't even go to the open beach in Ajman or walk down the street without being ogled & ...
by Gamesmaster
Dec 14, 2007
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Have these people no shame or sense of diginity
Replies: 24
Views: 9853

Thanks for the comments received so far and yes the persons in question asked "How much?" and in front of my boy too, which I find mind boggling. Good job he doesn't understand yet what they mean. My sister in law as my wife is of African decent, while I'm European and she was fully clothe...
by Gamesmaster
Dec 15, 2007
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Have these people no shame or sense of diginity
Replies: 24
Views: 9853

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